Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Where have we been...

I know I have been a terrible blogger lately but things are quit busy around our house hold. This post is a mix of what Ethan has been doing over the past few weeks. He is now 19 months (3/2/11) Hard to believe how fast my little man has grown. We did have his 18 month check up and he weighed 22lbs (6%) and was 33 in (75%) and head was in 90%. Ethan did great getting his immunizations and we spent that day snowed in. After all the snow days in February we had some friends over to catch up. Ethan joined the adults out side for some conversation. (Oh yes he is full of conversation these days. Unfortunately we are not all speaking the same language :) Ethan with his friends, Charlie and Kadynce.
Ethan has taken an interest in his car lately. Unfortunately he still has not really drove it because he is still a little to small. Hopefully with the warm weather coming we can try it out soon.

Ethan has taken a huge liking to shoes. He constantly wants o have his shoes put on or assist you with putting on your shoes. This is one of his many words he has and will tell you about them. The other night he decided to put on Michael's shoes. It was too cute.

I think this one is too funny. He was asking us something here.
Trying to walk in them.
We had to try on the boots another day.
Ethan's favorite meal is spaghetti. And you can definitely tell by the mess that comes along with it.

Ethan got his first set up big boy legos this past week. (They are not the tiny ones but the toddler size) Ethan absolutely loves Legos. He was very excited to put his Elmo Legos together.
Hope everyone is having a great week.

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