Saturday, March 19, 2011

Finally getting around.

For the past 2 weeks Ethan has been fighting a stomach bug and ear infection. We have been to the doctor and we keep being told to let it run its course. Well needless to say we are all very tired of the sickness in our home. This past weekend Ethan finally has his energy back and appears to be much happier. He still is having tummy issues but we thought we needed to get out. So today we spent time at home playing and then we ended the night by going to watch Haleigh play at her tournament. Here is Ethan with aunt Mandy watching Haleigh play. Ethan loves his cousins so much. Only trouble here was Ethan not understanding why he couldn't go out on the field to play. Ethan and Haidyn playing together.
Ethan discovered he loved walking up and down all of the stairs. We spent a good majority of the game walking the stairs.
We did take a little break to watch the game and draw.

One of Ethan's many looks he gives us now a days. Anytime you say something to little man he does not like. You get a "look".
Ethan decided he was well enough for a sucker. I was cleaning the kitchen and I turn around to find Ethan climbing up into our kitchen chairs and saying "candy". He sits down in the chair and patiently waits for me to give him a sucker. It was too cute so I gave in and let him have some.

I figured while I worked in the kitchen Ethan could play. Ethan loves water and wanted to play with the bowls and pans. I decided I would color some water and let him experiment. Here are a few pictures. Yes this made a bit of a mess but it was well worth him learning.

Most of our time has been this. Ethan playing and relaxing around the house. I am hoping that we can soon get over this stomach bug and get back to our normal healthy self.
Sure hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. This beautiful weather is getting us very excited about all the fun times we have ahead. I am so blessed to have my little man and sure hope Ethan gets to feeling better very quickly. I love all of the cuddle time I am getting but I miss all of our play time.

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