Saturday, March 26, 2011

Birthday Party

This weekend we attended a birthday party for our 2nd cousin, Bo. The party was outside and had moon bounces, a magic show, and snow cones. I was only able to take pictures of the moon bounces due to my camera dying on me. Ethan absolutely loved the moon bounces. He did not want to stop playing on them. It was cold so I kept taking him in and he would not like that at all. Here are several pictures of him playing.

Making new friends.
Oh yes there were slides. Our favorite.
Of course we wanted to play where the big kids were playing. I eventually gave in and took him to the Big slide. It was a little to much with all the big kids but Ethan still loved it.

Mommy helping Ethan.
Ethan had so much fun. It was so cute because we kept saying it was Bo's birthday and Ethan would shout BO. Hope Bo has a great 7th birthday. Ethan sure enjoyed his party and his snow cone on the ride home. (Unfortunately I was unable to take pictures but Ethan absolutely loved his wedding cake snow cone.)

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