Sunday, August 29, 2010


I have been MIA the last few weeks on blogging. We have just been a little busy with life. Below is a little peek at what we have been doing. Mostly are time is spent chasing after Ethan and lots of playing. From the moment we get home in the evenings it is all about him. Ethan is constantly on the move. Now that he is mobile we never stop moving. It is so much fun but a lot of work. Ethan is very strong-willed so it is normally all his way. He is such an amazing little boy though.
Ethan spent the weekend with his Nana and Papa so me and Mike could celebrate our anniversary. The report was good but I am sure Ethan made them work. He loves his grandparents so much and I am sure he had such a great time with them.

Ethan trying to get outside to the dogs. He loves all his dogs (Charlie and Max). They are his best friends.

Ethan has been my little helper lately. My work time has doubled with his help. He likes to take things out of the dish washer. He has decided that he should always be able to help. This is what happened when I turned around for 1 second.

Ethan thinks he should be able to play in the dish washer now.
Hi Mom! Look at me I am in the Dish Washer.
Ethan had some money from his birthday so I took him to Target to pick out a toy. Yes I allowed him to pick it out. I laid several things age appropriate in front of him and this is 1 of the items he picked. It is a race track that spins in the middle and shoots the cars around. Ethan apparently thought it was a sit though.
Now he has figured it out. Ethan actually knows how to turn it on and make the cars go around. He is such a smart little boy.
We made another trip to the Zoo a couple weeks ago. It was pretty hot so we just spent a couple of hours. Ethan loved all the animals as always. He is his first tram ride.
Ethan with his Nana and Papa. Ethan is actually saying both of their names now. He has been saying Nana for a little bit but finally is saying Papa. He loves his grandparents so much. He is beyond spoiled by them. That is okay with me though because he deserves it.
We tried to do a family picture but the sun was way to bright!
I will try and be better about updating weekly. I know how much fun it is to watch what Ethan is up to. We love you all and are grateful for all our friends and family.
Love you all! Parrish Family

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