Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lake Murray 2010

We went to the Lake last weekend with the family. Mikes family was there and then my dad came with us. We left Friday morning and Ethan slept most of the way there. Right before we got there he woke up and was in the best mood. He was cracking us up. Ethan was so cute I had to take a picture. Ethan loves going to the lake and was ready to be there.
When we got there we had to find the perfect spot. We had a great spot right on the water. It was perfect for everyone. As soon as we were set up we hit the boat. This was Ethan's first boat ride. He hated his life jacket at first. It was immediately a dislike. After a little time he got use to it.
I am not sure if it was the boat ride or the life jacket but as soon as we get on the boat he is out. Everytime he went right to sleep. He was so precious
Me with my daddy on the boat. I was so glad he was able to come with us. Unfortunately my mom could not come. We had a great time but missed her bunches.
Ethan and me in the water. It was so funny because he actually fell asleep while in the water. I think Ethan finds the water so relaxing.
Haidyn, Kim, Me and Ethan cooling off. It was so hot so we had to take breaks and cool off in the water.
Haidyn sharing her snack with Ethan. Ethan has cousins that love him so much.
Ethan spending some time with his Papa. Ethan was a big Papa's boy this weekend. He wanted him at all times. Ethan loves his Papa very much!
Haleigh reading to Ethan. His cousins are so wonderful with him They just loved and played with him all weekend. Ethan thinks he is their size and jsut goes right along with them. It is so adorable to watch. Ethan is so lucky to have cousins that love him so much.

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