Monday, August 9, 2010

Birthday Day!

Aug 2nd, 2010: Ethan turned 1 today. When Ethan woke up I greeted him by singing Happy Birthday to him. He was full of smiles. Ethan and I sat down and ate pancakes together. I had to go to work for a little while so I got Ethan ready and took him to day care. He had a birthday party at day care. Pictures to come next.

Ethan and Mommy on his birthday.
When we all got home that afternoon we went out to swim. It was so nice to have the afternoon as a family. The 3 of us spent the rest of the day together.

Ethan playing before we went out to the pool. He loves to run around the house now.

That evening we went to Little Gym. Ethan was able to play and learn new skills. After gym we met Papa and uncle Brett to eat then to the park. Here is Ethan playing with everyone at the park.
Dada pushing Ethan on the swing. He really likes the swing.

Ethan swinging.
Crawling through the tubes. I think this was his favorite because he was able to move around freely.
Ethan playing with Dada and Uncle.
Ethan with his Papa!
Ethan really likes to pick up and throw the wood chips. We had to keep a close eye so he did not eat them.
Family picture. How blessed this little family is.

More playing at the park.
Ethan also was able to enjoy the slide.
Ethan and mommy sliding down the twisty slide.
After all the playing we came home. We had saved a few of our presents for Ethan for his actual birthday. Ethan had 2 presents from me and Mike. He was a little more into opening these presents.
Ethan was a little more excited to try and open these presents.
Ethan helping open his present. A race track for Ethan.
What is this mama??? Lets open and play with it.
Ethan playing with his new race track.

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