Sunday, August 1, 2010

1 Year Old!

A year ago this little miracle came into my life. The moment I became a mother my life changed. I never had felt a love like this. I was completely in love with Ethan before he was born but the moment he was placed in my arms I knew that my life was more than I could have ever dreamed or wanted. Ethan was every bit of what we wanted. Now that it has been a year I look back and see how much this little guy has impacted my life. Yes we can no longer stay out late, or leave at a drop of a hat but my life is more fulfilled and blessed. I love every moment I have with Ethan and I try to take advance of every opportunity I have with him.
I have been thinking a lot about the weekend Ethan was born. I say weekend because it was a progress. I left work Thursday afternoon with signs of early labor. My supervisor demanded I go home and not come back. Everyone feared that I would go into labor at work. I came home that afternoon and just relaxed. Friday we spent time around the house and just finishing up some last minute details. That evening I went to bed a little tired and thinking not much about anything. We had our induction scheduled for Monday (Aug 3rd) so I just figured I would have a relaxing weekend. Late that night I woke up leaking fluid. I was so excited but scared because I was not sure what was happening. We of course went to the hospital. I was hooked up to monitors and they monitored my contractions. I was having contractions but they were not steady. They wanted to run a test to see if my water had truly broken. We waited and waited for hours. The hospital did not have the test and it was suppose to be shipped over. After several hours they sent us home to labor because my contractions were not steady enough. This was a little disappointing (and I was embaressed thinking that I went in for no reason). We came home around 4am. Mike and I went to bed and planned on just relaxing all day Saturday. This is the day that was harder. I had contractions all day. During the early afternoon they were time able but they were no real strong and I was able to still move around. We laid around and watched movies. My parents, grandpa, and aunt came by to see me. That evening is when it all started to happen. My contractions were getting stronger and stronger. I wanted to stay home as long as possible so I would get in the bath, walk, and try different positions to stay as comfortable as possible. Finally at 5 am I told Mike I could no longer handle it. We went ahead and called the on-call doctor and she immediately told us to come in. My contractions were consistently at 5 to 6minutes and very strong. When we arrived we had the same nurse as we did Friday night. I was checked and was only 1cm. I thought I would end up being sent home. I got in the bath again and tried to labor some more. After about 2 hours I was checked and still a 1. The nurse told me we were having this baby today so she stretched me to a 3. After that I quickly began to progress. Our parents arrived around 7am. I received my epidural around 9am. At 11 am the On call doctor came in to break my water. At that time I learned my water had already broke so they now think it really did break Friday night and I had just been leaking due to Ethan being so low. After checking me she informed me that I was about ready to push. I was so surprised. At 11:30am I started pushing. It took me a few pushed to figure out what I was doing. The nursing staff was fantastic. They let me just push when I was ready. Finally after 10 to 15 pushed Ethan was born at 12:07pm weighing 7.12 lb and 20 1/4 in. That moment was the best moment of my life.
Now that Ethan is 1 he is doing so many things. He can walk, says Dada, Mama, dog, eats all table food, almost off the bottle (only taking his bed time bottle), and loves to play.

Ethan is on a very set routine. He wakes between 7-7:30 am. Eats breakfast. During the week he goes to day care. Ethan eats lunch around 11ish and takes a nap around 12-12:30. He will sleep for anywhere between 1-2 hours. He wakes up and takes a snack around 2pm. The rest of the evening is playing. He on occasions will take and evening nap around 5 pm but that is rare now. Depending on our evening plans he has dinner or a snack at 5pm. We play a little more and then have dinner or a snack at 7pm. We have bath at 8:30pm and then have our bottle (will be breaking this soon). Ethan is fast asleep by 9pm. There is no fighting putting him to bed now a day.

Ethan is full of smiles and laughs. He is truly a happy baby. He loves to play. Ethan loves the water. He enjoys anything that makes noise and sings. Ethan will play independently but he loves to have people to play with. Ethan is very attached to me (mommy) and also loves his dada. He will go sit with Mike and hold a xbox remote like a big boy. Mike and Ethan are little buddies and it is so cute to watch Ethan with his dada.
Look at me. I can walk!

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