Sunday, August 29, 2010


I have been MIA the last few weeks on blogging. We have just been a little busy with life. Below is a little peek at what we have been doing. Mostly are time is spent chasing after Ethan and lots of playing. From the moment we get home in the evenings it is all about him. Ethan is constantly on the move. Now that he is mobile we never stop moving. It is so much fun but a lot of work. Ethan is very strong-willed so it is normally all his way. He is such an amazing little boy though.
Ethan spent the weekend with his Nana and Papa so me and Mike could celebrate our anniversary. The report was good but I am sure Ethan made them work. He loves his grandparents so much and I am sure he had such a great time with them.

Ethan trying to get outside to the dogs. He loves all his dogs (Charlie and Max). They are his best friends.

Ethan has been my little helper lately. My work time has doubled with his help. He likes to take things out of the dish washer. He has decided that he should always be able to help. This is what happened when I turned around for 1 second.

Ethan thinks he should be able to play in the dish washer now.
Hi Mom! Look at me I am in the Dish Washer.
Ethan had some money from his birthday so I took him to Target to pick out a toy. Yes I allowed him to pick it out. I laid several things age appropriate in front of him and this is 1 of the items he picked. It is a race track that spins in the middle and shoots the cars around. Ethan apparently thought it was a sit though.
Now he has figured it out. Ethan actually knows how to turn it on and make the cars go around. He is such a smart little boy.
We made another trip to the Zoo a couple weeks ago. It was pretty hot so we just spent a couple of hours. Ethan loved all the animals as always. He is his first tram ride.
Ethan with his Nana and Papa. Ethan is actually saying both of their names now. He has been saying Nana for a little bit but finally is saying Papa. He loves his grandparents so much. He is beyond spoiled by them. That is okay with me though because he deserves it.
We tried to do a family picture but the sun was way to bright!
I will try and be better about updating weekly. I know how much fun it is to watch what Ethan is up to. We love you all and are grateful for all our friends and family.
Love you all! Parrish Family

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lake Murray 2010

We went to the Lake last weekend with the family. Mikes family was there and then my dad came with us. We left Friday morning and Ethan slept most of the way there. Right before we got there he woke up and was in the best mood. He was cracking us up. Ethan was so cute I had to take a picture. Ethan loves going to the lake and was ready to be there.
When we got there we had to find the perfect spot. We had a great spot right on the water. It was perfect for everyone. As soon as we were set up we hit the boat. This was Ethan's first boat ride. He hated his life jacket at first. It was immediately a dislike. After a little time he got use to it.
I am not sure if it was the boat ride or the life jacket but as soon as we get on the boat he is out. Everytime he went right to sleep. He was so precious
Me with my daddy on the boat. I was so glad he was able to come with us. Unfortunately my mom could not come. We had a great time but missed her bunches.
Ethan and me in the water. It was so funny because he actually fell asleep while in the water. I think Ethan finds the water so relaxing.
Haidyn, Kim, Me and Ethan cooling off. It was so hot so we had to take breaks and cool off in the water.
Haidyn sharing her snack with Ethan. Ethan has cousins that love him so much.
Ethan spending some time with his Papa. Ethan was a big Papa's boy this weekend. He wanted him at all times. Ethan loves his Papa very much!
Haleigh reading to Ethan. His cousins are so wonderful with him They just loved and played with him all weekend. Ethan thinks he is their size and jsut goes right along with them. It is so adorable to watch. Ethan is so lucky to have cousins that love him so much.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day Care Birthday Party

Since Ethan had to go to Day Care for a little while on his birthday I thought we would end his school day with a little party. I brought cup cakes and his teachers made Ethan feel very special. One of his teachers bought him a birthday ribbon to wear that day.
I brought Blue icing cup cakes so we stripped the kiddos down to save the mess. Ethan was very eager for his snack. Here is everyone getting ready for their cup cake.

It was so cute. It ended up being an all boy party. The 2 girls were still asleep. All the boys sat around the table and had a little party just for Ethan. It was so adorable.
Ethan getting his cupcake Ethan wanted nothing to do with his 2 birthday cakes but he was eager to get his cupcake. He immediately took a bite of the cupcake.
Ethan with his blue cupcake.
Ethan and all his little friends. The children were so cute. They all really enjoyed their cupcake. Some of them even said Happy Birthday.
Little Blue Monster!
Ethan was wanting to give me some of his cupcake. He is such a great sharer.
Since it was snack time they all had gold fish crackers as well. Ethan decided he preferred the goldfish crackers with icing on them.
Happy Birthday Ethan! Mommy and Daddy love you!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Birthday Day!

Aug 2nd, 2010: Ethan turned 1 today. When Ethan woke up I greeted him by singing Happy Birthday to him. He was full of smiles. Ethan and I sat down and ate pancakes together. I had to go to work for a little while so I got Ethan ready and took him to day care. He had a birthday party at day care. Pictures to come next.

Ethan and Mommy on his birthday.
When we all got home that afternoon we went out to swim. It was so nice to have the afternoon as a family. The 3 of us spent the rest of the day together.

Ethan playing before we went out to the pool. He loves to run around the house now.

That evening we went to Little Gym. Ethan was able to play and learn new skills. After gym we met Papa and uncle Brett to eat then to the park. Here is Ethan playing with everyone at the park.
Dada pushing Ethan on the swing. He really likes the swing.

Ethan swinging.
Crawling through the tubes. I think this was his favorite because he was able to move around freely.
Ethan playing with Dada and Uncle.
Ethan with his Papa!
Ethan really likes to pick up and throw the wood chips. We had to keep a close eye so he did not eat them.
Family picture. How blessed this little family is.

More playing at the park.
Ethan also was able to enjoy the slide.
Ethan and mommy sliding down the twisty slide.
After all the playing we came home. We had saved a few of our presents for Ethan for his actual birthday. Ethan had 2 presents from me and Mike. He was a little more into opening these presents.
Ethan was a little more excited to try and open these presents.
Ethan helping open his present. A race track for Ethan.
What is this mama??? Lets open and play with it.
Ethan playing with his new race track.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

After the birthday party Ethan has so many new toys to play with. Ethan and me spent the day playing together. Here are a few pictures of us playing in his new Play Land.

Ethan also has been enjoying his new chair. He will sit for short periods of time with a snack and watch a little TV. This is very limited but Ethan is okay with it because he wants to be on the move anyways.