Thursday, June 17, 2010


Monday June 14, 2010:
Well today was a rainy day. Floods were occurring all over the city and I could not make it to work so I went back picked up Ethan and we spent the day at home together. I took a few pictures through out our day. We played in Ethan's room a lot. He has learned to drop the balls in the giraffi. It is so funny because he claps after each time.

Getting the ball out of the foot!

Yes these are tears. Ethan has learn to throw fits. It is hard to not laugh. If you tell him "No" or take something away you immediately get this face.

Ethan is yelling at me for taking away my cell phone. He has such a temper. That must come from his daddy. Luckily he gets happy just as quickly as he got mad.

Maybe we should watch a movie....which one should we watch??? This this one...nope...

Well no luck finding a movie so maybe I will play with his ball. At 1 point he had taken ever dvd out of the cabinet and had them strung all over the place.

Look at this cute little boy! Isn't he perfect? I sure think so!

Ethan Michael! To cute for words!

Just taking a little stroll around the living room. I love every day I have with Ethan. I am so blessed to be his mommy. I could not ask for more perfect son.

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