Sunday, June 6, 2010


June 6, 2010:
Ethan was Dedicated at church today. It was such a blessing for both of our families to be there. We are so lucky to have such a big, loving, and supportive family. Ethan was not happy during the Dedication. He was not wanting to be held and wanted to go play. We managed through.

Ethan has been the biggest blessing in our life. We are so fortunate to be his parents. I pray every night that we will raise him to understand and love God the way he should. I also pray for how grateful I am to be his mother.

Pastor Kent

Pastor Kent Dedicating Ethan to the church.

Ethan was ready to go by this point. He wanted to go see all his friends in Children's church.

Michael, Ethan, Me, and Great-grandpa James!

Ethan with Pastor Kent.

Uncle Brett and Aunt Kelsey (soon to be)

We had a lunch following the service. Thankfully my parents allowed us to have it there as we needed a large space.

The Cake!

Parrish Family!

Ethan suppose to be eating lunch. He wanted nothing to do with it.

Men talking in the living room.

Everyone else in the kitchen

Ethan playing with his cousins

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