Saturday, June 5, 2010

First Day at Little Gym!!!

June 5th:
We began our summer session at The Little Gym today. There are 5 other little ones with us. It was so much fun. I am beyond thankful to my mom & dad for buying this for my mother's day present. I love every moment I have with Ethan and this is just another way me and Ethan can learn and have fun with one another. Today was a learning day. Ethan was allowed to do exploring and we learned a few of the "tricks" we will be practicing. Nana came with us to give us support and then we had her join us at the end. Ethan was a little nervous at first staying very close to mommy but after some time he began to leave my side and go exploring. I have to learn to let him go as the teacher has the little ones go explore and parents continue with the activity. Wow Ethan is getting so big to be having class. Get ready for picture over load...

Class started in a circle. We sang songs and jingled bells. I have a lot of songs to be learning. Ethan loved the singing and helped shake the bell. Ethan is a "bird" so most of our songs we sing about this. much fun!

We do rolls. This is me and Ethan mid roll. We rock back and forth and also roll on to our back and then back up. Little did I know this was real gym class for me.

Parachute time... We sat and shaked parachute first. We sing our ABCs and other fun songs.

Little ones on the parachute.

Little ones under. Ethan was not a big fan of this. Every time it would come down on him he would come closer to me.

Everyone is under!

Explore time. Ethan was allowed to go explore as we watched and learned different activities. Ethan loved the wedge mats. He would crawl right on up.

Look at Little man go!

Playing on the bars.

Balance beam time.

Making friends... or flirting.

Where should we go next.

Nana joined in. Look at me walk.

These where probably his favorite. He would laugh and just get so excited

Learning to flip.


And we are off....again!

Bubbles! Ethan loved to watch the bubbles and he would try to catch them. The little girl is the picture is Jayda. She ended up giving Ethan a big kiss. This scared him but he quickly recovered.

Ending song! By this time Ethan was getting comfortable and going to meet others.

After Gym Class we went to get donuts. Yes I know this sounds crazy, Gym then donuts. Ethan was a little unsure of them. He had glaze donut holes. He ended up eating 1.

Breakfast time!

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