Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

For Father's Day Ethan and I made his daddy a frame with these pictures. Ethan loves his daddy so much. Ethan and Mike are play buddies and Ethan squeals with excitement for his dad. It is so amazing to watch the 2 of them together. I know that Ethan has a wonderful father to look up too. Ethan is so lucky to have all the men in his life. He is surrounded with a daddy, 2 grandpas, 2 great-grandpas, 3 uncles and so other many loving and supportive men. I love to see how much Ethan loves his grandpas and uncles too. Ethan is so lucky to have these men in his life. I hope all the men had a great father's day and know how loved they are. This year I truly understand how much my father loves me and I hope he knows how loved he is too.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


My parents gave us a 3 ft pool. We finally got in it tonight. Ethan absolutely loved it. He splashed and laughed the entire time. Ethan is a little fish and just loves to be in the water. We finally got out because he was getting tired.

Ethan really enjoyed his self. He just played in the water. Ethan is not afraid at all. We have to be so careful because he just puts his face right in the water.

Ethan with daddy. He did not want to sit still.

Mommy and Ethan.

Look at me. I am in the pool!


Monday June 14, 2010:
Well today was a rainy day. Floods were occurring all over the city and I could not make it to work so I went back picked up Ethan and we spent the day at home together. I took a few pictures through out our day. We played in Ethan's room a lot. He has learned to drop the balls in the giraffi. It is so funny because he claps after each time.

Getting the ball out of the foot!

Yes these are tears. Ethan has learn to throw fits. It is hard to not laugh. If you tell him "No" or take something away you immediately get this face.

Ethan is yelling at me for taking away my cell phone. He has such a temper. That must come from his daddy. Luckily he gets happy just as quickly as he got mad.

Maybe we should watch a movie....which one should we watch??? This this one...nope...

Well no luck finding a movie so maybe I will play with his ball. At 1 point he had taken ever dvd out of the cabinet and had them strung all over the place.

Look at this cute little boy! Isn't he perfect? I sure think so!

Ethan Michael! To cute for words!

Just taking a little stroll around the living room. I love every day I have with Ethan. I am so blessed to be his mommy. I could not ask for more perfect son.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Ethan thinks bubbles are so funny. We decided to blow some bubbles in the house the other day. As you can see Ethan had so much fun swatting at the bubbles. He would squeal with laughter.

Ethan will try to catch or pop the bubbles as they get close to him.

Bubbles every where!

Such a happy little boy!

So we have transitioned to table food. Ethan has come to the point where he refuses to eat any purees. He will just close his mouth and there is no getting in. Unfortunately he does not want to eat to much table food either. My great eater has entered a terrible phase. He has learned what he likes and only wants certain things. Ethan has a lot to learn because he has to have a wide variety. Well we have found a few favorites over the past few weeks. As you can see when he likes something it goes everywhere. Wow can this little guy be messy. We learned about this favorite through Day care. Pizza! Yes my 10 month old already loves pizza. He ate an entire piece plus a little more. I did serve it with green beans so it was not too terrible.

Ethan's favorite foods at this time are cheese pizza, grilled cheese, and Cheerios. He does not like things that are mushy. He prefers food that is dry and solid like breads. Ethan will eat some of his veggies but we are still really struggling with fruits.

The one habit I have to get broken is he will eat some of his food then take it out, look at it then stick it right back in. It is so disgusting. I haven't quit figured out what this is about but hopefully he stops it very soon.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


June 6, 2010:
Ethan was Dedicated at church today. It was such a blessing for both of our families to be there. We are so lucky to have such a big, loving, and supportive family. Ethan was not happy during the Dedication. He was not wanting to be held and wanted to go play. We managed through.

Ethan has been the biggest blessing in our life. We are so fortunate to be his parents. I pray every night that we will raise him to understand and love God the way he should. I also pray for how grateful I am to be his mother.

Pastor Kent

Pastor Kent Dedicating Ethan to the church.

Ethan was ready to go by this point. He wanted to go see all his friends in Children's church.

Michael, Ethan, Me, and Great-grandpa James!

Ethan with Pastor Kent.

Uncle Brett and Aunt Kelsey (soon to be)

We had a lunch following the service. Thankfully my parents allowed us to have it there as we needed a large space.

The Cake!

Parrish Family!

Ethan suppose to be eating lunch. He wanted nothing to do with it.

Men talking in the living room.

Everyone else in the kitchen

Ethan playing with his cousins

Saturday, June 5, 2010

First Day at Little Gym!!!

June 5th:
We began our summer session at The Little Gym today. There are 5 other little ones with us. It was so much fun. I am beyond thankful to my mom & dad for buying this for my mother's day present. I love every moment I have with Ethan and this is just another way me and Ethan can learn and have fun with one another. Today was a learning day. Ethan was allowed to do exploring and we learned a few of the "tricks" we will be practicing. Nana came with us to give us support and then we had her join us at the end. Ethan was a little nervous at first staying very close to mommy but after some time he began to leave my side and go exploring. I have to learn to let him go as the teacher has the little ones go explore and parents continue with the activity. Wow Ethan is getting so big to be having class. Get ready for picture over load...

Class started in a circle. We sang songs and jingled bells. I have a lot of songs to be learning. Ethan loved the singing and helped shake the bell. Ethan is a "bird" so most of our songs we sing about this. much fun!

We do rolls. This is me and Ethan mid roll. We rock back and forth and also roll on to our back and then back up. Little did I know this was real gym class for me.

Parachute time... We sat and shaked parachute first. We sing our ABCs and other fun songs.

Little ones on the parachute.

Little ones under. Ethan was not a big fan of this. Every time it would come down on him he would come closer to me.

Everyone is under!

Explore time. Ethan was allowed to go explore as we watched and learned different activities. Ethan loved the wedge mats. He would crawl right on up.

Look at Little man go!

Playing on the bars.

Balance beam time.

Making friends... or flirting.

Where should we go next.

Nana joined in. Look at me walk.

These where probably his favorite. He would laugh and just get so excited

Learning to flip.


And we are off....again!

Bubbles! Ethan loved to watch the bubbles and he would try to catch them. The little girl is the picture is Jayda. She ended up giving Ethan a big kiss. This scared him but he quickly recovered.

Ending song! By this time Ethan was getting comfortable and going to meet others.

After Gym Class we went to get donuts. Yes I know this sounds crazy, Gym then donuts. Ethan was a little unsure of them. He had glaze donut holes. He ended up eating 1.

Breakfast time!