Saturday, February 27, 2010

29 Weeks Old

Ethan continues to grow bigger each day. We have all spent the week getting better. Ethan is full of love and energy. We bought Ethan a walker this week so he could explore the house in a new way. He loves to play with all the toys on it. He can't figure out how to move in it yet. Every once in a while he will move backwards but just a little bit. He does enjoy it so far. Ethan continues to work on crawling. He has mastered the creep/ army crawl. He is trying to get into everything. I really need to work on child proofing the house a little more. He loves to try and get Charlie's toys or our shoes. We can't leave him alone for even a second now. It is much more work but it is amazing to watch him explore and learn about his surroundings. Now he will crawl over to us and reach up to show us he wants us. It is so sweet. Due to being sick we are not sleeping through the night and our bedtime is way off. He thinks he should be sleeping with mommy holding him. We will have to train him to go back to his old ways. It is hard to believe in just a few days he will be 7 months old. It really feels like days ago he was still in my belly. It is so amazing to watch Ethan grow and learn. I am so blessed to have this little man in my life. I am the luckiest mommy in the world. He has become my everything.

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