Sunday, February 28, 2010

2 Bottom Teeth

Ethan has his 2 bottom teeth. They came in this week (29 weeks old). The first one came in while he was sick so we really didn't know how he did with it because he was so sick. All we know is he drooled so much we were having to dry him up. The second one came in just a few days after. No problems at all. Just wanted to chew on everything but no fussiness or fever. They are so cute. The pictures are not real great but he does not want to let anyone see them. He is such a big boy with 2 teeth.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

29 Weeks Old

Ethan continues to grow bigger each day. We have all spent the week getting better. Ethan is full of love and energy. We bought Ethan a walker this week so he could explore the house in a new way. He loves to play with all the toys on it. He can't figure out how to move in it yet. Every once in a while he will move backwards but just a little bit. He does enjoy it so far. Ethan continues to work on crawling. He has mastered the creep/ army crawl. He is trying to get into everything. I really need to work on child proofing the house a little more. He loves to try and get Charlie's toys or our shoes. We can't leave him alone for even a second now. It is much more work but it is amazing to watch him explore and learn about his surroundings. Now he will crawl over to us and reach up to show us he wants us. It is so sweet. Due to being sick we are not sleeping through the night and our bedtime is way off. He thinks he should be sleeping with mommy holding him. We will have to train him to go back to his old ways. It is hard to believe in just a few days he will be 7 months old. It really feels like days ago he was still in my belly. It is so amazing to watch Ethan grow and learn. I am so blessed to have this little man in my life. I am the luckiest mommy in the world. He has become my everything.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sick Little boy

This has been a very rough week. Monday was President's Day so I was off work. Ethan and I stayed home playing all day. That evening he started running a temp of 102. Of course I was so worried. Tuesday Mike and I took little man to the doctor. Come to find out he had a double ear infection, bronchitis, and an eye infection. Needles to say we were going to be staying home and resting for a few days. Ethan continued to run a temp through Thursday. Though he was feeling terrible he was still so happy. Friday we thought we were doing better but I was very wrong. Ethan got to the point he was not wanting to eat. Nothing we tried would work. Mike and I were so scared. Needless to say we were up a lot and trying to force anything we could into him. To make matters worse I caught what Ethan had. I was feeling terrible and trying to take care of a sick little boy. To top it off Ethan was teething. His bottom tooth broke through. I will be trying to get a picture of that once it is a little more in. Now it is Sunday and Ethan is doing much better. Still not great but much better. The eye still looks terrible so I will be making another call to the doctor tomorrow. I am hoping that I start feeling better real soon and that Mike does not get this bad.

Tasting Icing!!!

So I am normally a very over protective and strick mom but on this particular day I just gave in. We were having dinner at Nana and Papa's house and we were having cupcakes for dessert. We were teasing Ethan asking if he wanted one. Someone said to give Ethan some icing so I did. I put just a dab on my finger. Ethan loved it. He just ate it right off my finger. Typically he will make a funny face when he tries something new but not this time. This kid will be just like his mommy loving sweets . He only had just a tiny bit but but he sure loved it.

Valentines with Nana & Papa

Ethan is more than loved. Of course his Nana and Papa had to shower Ethan with love and gifts for Valentine's Day. Since Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday we were at Nana and Papa's for our Sunday dinner. Ethan had just woke up from his nap when he opened his present. He loves his giraffe. He gives it hugs and slobers all over him. Ethan is very blessed to have so many people love him.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day 2010

Ethan's 1st Valentine's Day! I aways make Valentine's Day baskets. This year was a lot of fun getting things for little man. Ethan's basket had books, a ball, Elmo remote control, a ducky bath tub and bath toy, with a few other things he needed like spoons, sippy cups, and towel. Ethan really liked dumping everything out of the tub. Ethan has been obsessed with the tv remote so I thought he would love his own. It makes sounds and everything. Now that Ethan is sitting up he really need a new bath tub. I found this one and thought it was super cute. He seem to like it as well. Ethan helped me read his card as you can see in the picture. I am so lucky to have Ethan as my Valentine this year. He is such a blessing to me and Michael. Of course Michael and Charlie had their baskets as well. Happy Valentine's Day! We love all of our family and friends. XOXO

February 2010... 6 months old

Just a couple pictures of Ethan at home. Ethan loves to play on the floor. He is so close to crawling. He can get across the room it is just not an actual crawl. He is such a big boy. Can st on his own and is getting more Mobile. Where does the time go???

Food Time

Just a few pictures of Ethan enjoying his food. He has really started to enjoy meal times. On this particular he got a little carried away with his carrots. He is eating almost all stage 1 foods. Still prefers his veggies the most. Hates bananas and peaches. We are working on our sippy cup and he gets rice crackers for snacks. He loves to help feed his self. We will start trying new finger foods very soon. Ethan has a great appetite He has solids at Breakfast and dinner right now and then 1 snack. Rest of the day is just formula. We are increasing amounts and will probably start solids at lunch soon. Little man is growing up so fast and enjoys sitting at the table with us for dinner.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Welcome 2010 & 6Months Old

So I know I have been terrible with not updating as much as I should but our days are vey busy with work and then playing. During this past snow storm I was able to spend some much needed time home with Ethan. Unfortunately he had an eye infection but he was still as happy as could be. We had a lot of fun playing. We pretty much spent the day in our PJs playing, eating, and napping. We went out in the snow one day for a very short time. He was not sure what was going on. Ethan turned 6 months on 2/2/10. He is so big. He weighs between 18-19 lbs and is 28 in long, 90th percentile. He is so interactive and wants to play non stop. He loves all his toys that makes noise and his jumper. He is sitting by his self but at times will fall over. He is so close to crawling. He gets up on all 4 and rocks but doesn't understand to move his arms quiet yet. He will be there any day. He loves to eat. He loves all veggies. He hated fruit but he has been better the past week or so. I am so blessed to have this little man in my life. I never knew that my life could be this amazing. I hate that my days are spent at work with out him but it makes for great evenings and weekends.