Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter everyone! The Easter bunny visited our home last night and this is what was left behind for Ethan.

When Ethan woke up I tried to get him to come into the living room He was not ready to wake up or do as I asked. He wanted to stay in his room so we made it to the hall way then stopped. He finally came in to see what was left for him. Looking to see what the Easter bunny left him

Trying to figure out what all is going on.

Playing with his new toys. Ethan played with his new goodies the entire time we got ready. It was so cute watching him play because he is starting to realize something special is going on.

After the Easter bunny came we all got ready for church. Today was a wonderful service about what Easter is really about. It was great having the family all together at church as well. After church we went to Nana and Papa's house to open more Easter baskets. Of course we had to snap a few family pictures. Ethan was not wanting to participate in pictures as normal.

Ethan new exactly what to do with this basket.

Next we headed out to the Raprich family side. It is tradition to have lunch out at my grandparents and then a big Easter egg hunt. Well plans slightly changed due to having a down pour rain today. We all had lunch out there and had a small indoor egg hunt for the kids. Before lunch Ethan played with his 2nd cousin Lilli.

Headed to the egg hunt.

Ethan was adorable hunting eggs. He caught on extremely fast and began picking up lots of eggs.

Ethan with his mama and Nana

Looking at all his goodies.

After my family we went to the Parrish side. Ethan slept through dinner over here and most of the family time. He woke up at the end and played with his cousins and received his 3rd basket for the day. (The child is just a little spoiled).

Ethan was still very tired from the day so his cousin let him lay with her ducky.

Ethan with his Papaw and cousin Haleigh.

Hope everyone enjoyed this Easter with the people they loved. We had a wonderful day celebrating the resurrection of out Lord and Savior.

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