Next step was to decorate cupcakes to take to everyone. Ethan wanted nothing to do with the icing so I iced the cupcake and Ethan just decorated it.
One sprinkle at a time was placed neatly on his cupcake.
Then we decided to eat some. Only my child would opt to eat sprinkles over his cupcake.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Love Sweet Love
This past weekend we were getting ready for Valentine's Day. I wanted Ethan to join in all the festivities. First task was for Ethan to make Valentine's Day gifts. Ethan painted everyone pudding/sprinkle pictures. This way we could enjoy some sweets while we painted. 

Instead of just a few sprinkles we used the entire cup.
Ethan was not real sure about the mess. Ethan hates having his hands dirty so we did get upset at times and I had to regularly clean his hands to keep him happy with his projects.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Ethan has not been a fan of snow but once his Nana & Papa show him the snow it all changed. Nana & Papa came by tonight to see Ethan since it had been a week. Ethan hates for anyone to leave the house so he was trying to follow them out. They decided to show him that snow was okay. This started by them handing him snow in the house. This seemed okay with him so he went out onto the porch. (Now yes he does not have a coat on but it was just for a few minutes and it was not freezing). Nana and Papa showed Ethan how to through snow. He now loves to throw snow balls. It was super cute.

Blizzard 2011
Hello Blizzard! Oklahoma had a snow storm come in on Monday night (1/31)/ Tuesday (2/1). The storm was bad enough to close most of Oklahoma for 2 full days and schools closed the rest of the week. I took a few pictures from our house. We had about 12 in and there where huge snow drifts. From the back porch.
Looking out the front door.
On the second day I wanted to take you out to see the snow. I had you so bundled up because it was only 10 degrees. I had no expectation of staying out just wanted you to see what all this was about.
You hated it. You never touched the snow because as soon as we stepped out you began to cry. Daddy thinks it was the bright light reflecting off the snow. Whatever it was you were not having it.
Daddy went out to shovel the drive way. Here is him in the snow.
We spent the 2 days warm in the house. I took a few pictures of us playing. We did not get out of pjs the entire 48 hours. We did lots of playing, eating, and cuddling. I loved the time I had with you.

I sure hope everyone stayed safe and warm over this past week. Though we began to get a little cabin fever after a few days we had a great week as a family. I treasure every moment we have together little man. You are truly a blessing to me and your daddy. All week long we talked about how much we love you and how you amaze us all the time.
Little artist
Park Time
Over the weekend (Jan 28th &29th) we had beautiful weather. Since we were going to have a few days of sunshine I was going to make the best out of it and spend time playing at the park. Ethan loves the park so much. He rides in his wagon up to the park and will play for a good hour. When it is time to leave he will start crying. I took a few pictures to capture all his fun. I have to say this time at the park I was a little sad. Up until now he has really needed my assistance to play on the toys. Not any more. He is officially a big boy. He goes down the slide with no trouble and just climbs up all the toys. It is a little frighting because he is not afraid of the height at all.
Making friends at the park.
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