Saturday, March 20, 2010

Eating Puffs

I just love this picture. It just captures Ethan and how loving and sweet he is. He loves being a part of meals.

Ethan has a new favorite snack. He loves to eat these puffs. The first few days he was a little unsure of them but with a few days of practice he now loves them. It took a few days for him to learn how to put them in his mouth. We had to assist him and he would just open his mouth every time he saw one. Now he has learned to put them in his mouth. He still drops a few here and there but he is getting so good at feeding himself. He now rather eat these then his food. I think it is about time to start him on more finger foods. My little boy is sure growing up fast. I can not believe that he is learning to feed his self.

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