Sunday, March 7, 2010

7 months

How time has flown by! Ethan turned 7 months on March 2nd. It only seems like such a short time ago he was in my belly growing into this amazing little boy. Ethan is such a big boy now. He can crawl on all 4s, but he still prefers to army crawl when he is on a mission because it is a little faster for him. He is starting to pull him self up to a standing position. This is what he is doing in the last picture where he is on his knees. He made it to a full stand. He has his 2 bottom teeth and is saying "Dada". Ethan is into anything and everything now. You can't take your eye off of him for a second. If I try to do anything he is following right behind me or if not he is getting into something he shouldn't be. He is such an explorer. He is always trying to figure things out. He loves to feel different textures and bang things together to hear the different sounds. It is amazing to watch him learn. You can just see him figuring things out. He is very aunry. He thinks it is hilarious to drop his toys a thousand times to see how much mommy and daddy will pick them up Of course we indulge a little then we have to set our boundaries. Boundaries are what we are trying to establish, key word trying. He wants what he is not suppose to have or go. One day he will learn. Ethan just babbles to everyone. We are saying dada but that is it for the time being. I am really working on mama and certain other people are working on nana and papa. I think soon we will have one of these others. The most precious part of this stage is how he will crawl over to you or lean over when you walk up to him and he reaches his arms out to show you he wants you. It is my favorite thing. It shows what he wants and that he wants the special people in his life. Ethan has blessed my life in so many ways. In the past 7 months I have learned so much about being a mom. I truly never understood how special a person could be until this little man entered my life. I thank the lord every day for this precious gift.

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