Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nap Time

The last week or so Ethan has lessened his nap time at day care. He will only sleep about 30 minutes to an hour, sometimes none. When I picked Ethan up from day care on Friday he was exhausted. I put him down in his crib and went back to check on him shortly after. This was what I found. He was passed out. He took a very long nap. I thought he looked so precious. My little man is getting to be such a big boy now. I just love watching him.

Jump Zone

This weekend we attended Bo's 6th birthday party at Jump Zone. Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the birthday boy because he was going non stop. During the play time we took Ethan around to a few of the toys. We did not get to stay for presents and cake because it was past Ethan's bed time and he was wanting to go home. Happy Birthday Bo!

Here is Ethan sitting on the bouncer. I would lightly bouncing him and he would just smile. I was being over protective and would not leave his side.

I think Ethan was a little unsure of what was going on. We kept putting him on all the toys and he would just stare at us.

Ethan is starting to figure this out. He wanted to crawl and move around. He liked the pirate ship because it was like an enclosed little entrance.

Ethan loved watching all the other kids running around and playing. He would just watch in amazement. He would just smile and stare. One day soon he will be right there running around.

Good Morning!

We decided a few months ago to put Ethan's exersaucer in the bathroom so he could play while we get ready. I decided I would take a few pics of our morning routine. While I do my hair and put on make up Ethan just plays and babbles at me. He is so happy in the morning it amazes me. That sure did not come from his mama.

Ethan makes sure to play with each toy on the tray. He prefers the animal sounds and music the most. Also if I touch any of the toys he then will have to touch it. There is a little mirror on the tray. It is funny we will point and ask who that is and he will put his face real close like he is trying to figure out who the baby is.

If you look closely you can see that Charlie stays right by Ethan's side. These two come in a pair.
So Ethan has become a pro with his walker. He loves to walk all over the house, especially in the kitchen. Charlie loves to sit at the back door and on this particular day Ethan kept joining Charlie at the back door and would just stare outside. I keep telling him that soon we will get to go out and enjoy that back yard. Ethan will just follow me all over the place. He even tries to chase Charlie. It is amazing to watch him explore.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Eating Puffs

I just love this picture. It just captures Ethan and how loving and sweet he is. He loves being a part of meals.

Ethan has a new favorite snack. He loves to eat these puffs. The first few days he was a little unsure of them but with a few days of practice he now loves them. It took a few days for him to learn how to put them in his mouth. We had to assist him and he would just open his mouth every time he saw one. Now he has learned to put them in his mouth. He still drops a few here and there but he is getting so good at feeding himself. He now rather eat these then his food. I think it is about time to start him on more finger foods. My little boy is sure growing up fast. I can not believe that he is learning to feed his self.

The past week

The past week Mike had surgery. This meant Ethan and me did a lot of hanging out by ourselves. Ethan and me played a lot. As you can see we had lots of toys out. Ethan has become a pro at crawling. He gets into everything. If I try to walk out of the room he follows right behind me. It is so funny to watch him explore his world. On Friday I had to take Ethan to the doctor. He had a double ear infection and his right ear drum ruptured. He was very clingy and ran a fever on Friday but he quickly was back to his old self. He is such a happy little boy. It is so much fun to watch him grow and learn.

Ethan is growing up so fast. He is now 7 1/2 months old. He is crawling and pulling up on everything. In the morning I find him on his knees peeking through the crib slats. Last Sunday when I came in to get him ready for church I was greeted by two little eyes peeking over the crib. He was up on his feet. Though it was adorable I made Mike lower the bed all the way down. Now he can only get on his knees because he can't reach the top. As you can see he loves to play with his little rock band. He loves the music and lights. Now he uses it to stand. The other picture is Ethan napping. I went in there to check on him and found him all snuggled up with his stuffed animals. It was so precious.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

7 months

How time has flown by! Ethan turned 7 months on March 2nd. It only seems like such a short time ago he was in my belly growing into this amazing little boy. Ethan is such a big boy now. He can crawl on all 4s, but he still prefers to army crawl when he is on a mission because it is a little faster for him. He is starting to pull him self up to a standing position. This is what he is doing in the last picture where he is on his knees. He made it to a full stand. He has his 2 bottom teeth and is saying "Dada". Ethan is into anything and everything now. You can't take your eye off of him for a second. If I try to do anything he is following right behind me or if not he is getting into something he shouldn't be. He is such an explorer. He is always trying to figure things out. He loves to feel different textures and bang things together to hear the different sounds. It is amazing to watch him learn. You can just see him figuring things out. He is very aunry. He thinks it is hilarious to drop his toys a thousand times to see how much mommy and daddy will pick them up Of course we indulge a little then we have to set our boundaries. Boundaries are what we are trying to establish, key word trying. He wants what he is not suppose to have or go. One day he will learn. Ethan just babbles to everyone. We are saying dada but that is it for the time being. I am really working on mama and certain other people are working on nana and papa. I think soon we will have one of these others. The most precious part of this stage is how he will crawl over to you or lean over when you walk up to him and he reaches his arms out to show you he wants you. It is my favorite thing. It shows what he wants and that he wants the special people in his life. Ethan has blessed my life in so many ways. In the past 7 months I have learned so much about being a mom. I truly never understood how special a person could be until this little man entered my life. I thank the lord every day for this precious gift.