Monday, May 25, 2009

3D/4D Ultrasound

On Friday we had the 3D/4D ultrasound. Ethan was very active on this day. We did get a few good pictures of him. Most of the time he wanted to keep his thumb in his mouth and the umbilical cord kept getting in front of his face. All his measurements were good. He weighed 3lbs 4oz. He is going to be a big boy it sounds like. He is so precious and it was the most amazing thing to see him. I can't wait for him to be here now. We are so blessed to have this little miracle growing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gestational Diabetes

Things just can't go right. I failed both the 1 hour and 3 hour glucose test. I went today to meet with the nutritionist. My levels were not that far off so she is confident with me just watching my diet I will do just fine. We went over different foods that are okay and not. I don't think it will be too hard, it will just take a little getting use to. This week I have to test my blood 4 times a day. So far every time I have tested I have been lower than required. Who knows. We will just have to watch and see how this goes. Oh well, anything for Ethan. I am now 28 weeks. This pregnancy is really going by fast.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A scary night

So when I started this page yesterday I just wanted to have a way to show all of our family and friends how the pregnancy was going. I was not planning on having any exciting news for at least a couple more months. Well last night me and Mike had a scare of a life time. We were both in bed and around 11pm I started to have some leaking. Of course my reaction was to freak out and cry. Mike was amazing. He stayed calm and really help me through it. We called the on call doctor and then my mom to see what to do. After a short time we decided to go straight to L&D. We had a call put into our doctor and she called and told them to monitor me. Well they ran some test and monitored the baby for a couple of hours. Turns out everything was fine. They are not really sure what the fluid was but all that matters is Ethan is fine and we were sent home. Of course me and Mike had no sleep from all this. Today I went and had my 3 hour glucose test. I am hoping that will come back good so that I do not have to go on a crazy restricted diet but I will do what ever is needed to keep Ethan healthy and inside. We had class 2 of baby care and it was fine. I am hoping the next few weeks are less uneventful then they were last night. I am so thankful that Ethan is fine.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The first 2 trimesters

I have finally entered the 3rd Trimester and thought the best way to start things off was to tell how the last 2 trimesters have been. Michael and I found out we were pregnant on Thanksgiving Day 2008. We were so happy to learn that we were pregnant and how quickly it all happened. The first trimester went by very quickly. I was very fortunate not to be real sick during this time. Just a little nausea here and there. We found out this little one was a boy on 3/6/09. Michael was so excited to hear he was having a little boy. Mom and Dad attended the ultrasound with us. I have never seen my parents so excited. Ethan Michael is due on August 5Th. Through the last few months we have watched this little one grow big and strong. Dr. Nanda has informed us he is a big baby and measuring ahead so they now expect he could be here mid to end July. We love to hear his heartbeat and get to see him through ultrasounds at our appointments. He has become very strong and reminds me of this all the time with his strong kicks and punches. We are so happy to have Ethan coming and we can not wait to meet him.