Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Catch Up...April 2013

We have been a busy family this past month.  Trying to get some much accomplished before our little bundle arrives.  This past month we took a little trip to Jenkins for the weekend.  It was a nice little get away.  On Friday, Ethan, mom, Brett and I went.  Mike and my dad came down the following morning when Mike got off work.  Ethan absolutely loved staying in the hotel.  I think he would have been just content staying there the entire time.  Saturday the boys went to a gun show while mom and I took Ethan shopping.  We initially thought we would go to the antique stores but I soon realized that made me way to nervous with Ethan so we went to some more kid friend places. 

 That night we had a great Mexican dinner and walked the little river walk they have there. 
 On Sunday we went to the Aquarium. 

 Ethan was able to feed a few animals, including turtles, sting rays and fish.
 Ethan's absolute favorite part was the sharks.  I thought we would never get him away.  He kept wanting to go in the tunnel. 

 A couple weeks later we went to Red Rock for the weekend.  Ethan absolutely loves to go camping, which is great considering we go frequently.  As soon as we arrived he was jumping up and down with joy. 
 Red Rock is a lot of fun because of the trails and all the exploring Ethan can do.  Where we stayed there was a huge field and this little "cave".  Ethan had so much fun going to this area and running around in the field. 
 Just thought this was so cute.  Ethan was enjoying his music.  Growing up way to fast.
 The last weekend of April was Abel's baby shower.  Mom and I wanted to do something special for Ethan so we took him to build a bear.  It took Ethan a little while to get use to this because he initially thought we were trying to give him a broken animal but once he watched another child, he had lots of fun.

 Ethan made a monkey.  When it was time to pick out the clothes he examined them all.  He picked out this very basic outfit so I kept trying to tempt him to pick something more fun.  He finally turned around and told me "mom you hurting my feelings".  I then realized I have to let him make these choices and moved on.  It amazes me how much he has grown. 
 Ethan with his new best friend "Clue".  He picked out everything and is very proud of his friend.
 Clue even has pjs we had to put on at night for bed. 
This past month has been busy but full of fun.  I am trying to soak in every last minute I have with Ethan as an only child.  He is very eager to meet his brother but I know we have some huge changes coming to our home soon.  

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