Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a fun filled weekend.  Saturday we had diner together as a family then came back to Nana and Papa's house to color eggs again.  Ethan really enjoyed coloring eggs.  He did so well, not even making a mess.  Which was very nice for us.

 Momma and Ethan
 Nana helping out.
 Putting stickers on the eggs.  Ethan loves putting stickers on things.
 Papa helping Ethan
 Ethan was so proud of his eggs.
 Papa's Big Boy!
 Ethan's 2 favorite eggs.  If you know Ethan you know that this are definitely his eggs. 
 Showing off the hard work.
 The Easter bunny left gifts for Ethan and Dada.
 Ethan before church.  He did not want to wear the golf hat so that is why it is all crazy.  This was only taken after bribing him with a car.
 My entire world!
 Family Photo after church.
 Opening our Easter basket

 Nana and Papa came over with a basket as well.
 Ethan got a Cars House from Nana and Papa.  He was so excited.  Only problem was he wanted to put up right then.
 The big Easter egg hunt at the Farm.
 Ethan had egg hunting down.  He loved getting the eggs.

 Looking at all the goodies inside.
 After the family gathering we went to see his cousins, uncle Marky, Papaw & Mamaw. We had a small egg hunt there too.

We had a wonderful holiday weekend with family.  With all the holiday fun and festivities I hope everyone remembers what Easter is all about.  I am so grateful for the sacrifice that was made for us on the cross and the promise of everlasting life we are given through Jesus. I am so blessed to have an amazing family.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter. 

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