Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter everyone! The Easter bunny visited our home last night and this is what was left behind for Ethan.

When Ethan woke up I tried to get him to come into the living room He was not ready to wake up or do as I asked. He wanted to stay in his room so we made it to the hall way then stopped. He finally came in to see what was left for him. Looking to see what the Easter bunny left him

Trying to figure out what all is going on.

Playing with his new toys. Ethan played with his new goodies the entire time we got ready. It was so cute watching him play because he is starting to realize something special is going on.

After the Easter bunny came we all got ready for church. Today was a wonderful service about what Easter is really about. It was great having the family all together at church as well. After church we went to Nana and Papa's house to open more Easter baskets. Of course we had to snap a few family pictures. Ethan was not wanting to participate in pictures as normal.

Ethan new exactly what to do with this basket.

Next we headed out to the Raprich family side. It is tradition to have lunch out at my grandparents and then a big Easter egg hunt. Well plans slightly changed due to having a down pour rain today. We all had lunch out there and had a small indoor egg hunt for the kids. Before lunch Ethan played with his 2nd cousin Lilli.

Headed to the egg hunt.

Ethan was adorable hunting eggs. He caught on extremely fast and began picking up lots of eggs.

Ethan with his mama and Nana

Looking at all his goodies.

After my family we went to the Parrish side. Ethan slept through dinner over here and most of the family time. He woke up at the end and played with his cousins and received his 3rd basket for the day. (The child is just a little spoiled).

Ethan was still very tired from the day so his cousin let him lay with her ducky.

Ethan with his Papaw and cousin Haleigh.

Hope everyone enjoyed this Easter with the people they loved. We had a wonderful day celebrating the resurrection of out Lord and Savior.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Weekend Part 1:

We started the weekend off by coloring Easter Eggs on Thursday evening as a family. First we went out to dinner with Uncle Brett & Aunt Kelsey (KK). Ethan loves spending time with them so they ate and helped us chase him all over the mall. Afterwards we headed to my parents to color eggs as a family. It is one of our many traditions. It was amazing having all of us there to participate. Trying to get a family picture is always a task. Ethan never looks when needed. Here Ethan is smiling for 1 camera and I smiled for another. Oh well because Ethan looks too cute here.

Time to dye our Easter Eggs. Ethan was interested in this for a little bit.

Ethan pulling out his dyed egg.

Part of the trouble with Ethan coloring the eggs is he thinks the eggs are balls. What does this mean??? That we throw the eggs into the coloring.

Now we are going to paint an egg. Should have made note before doing this that Ethan would want to mix all of the colors into 1 color giving us a lovely brown/green color.

Time for a break from our artist ability. He thought he and Papa could play with some toys for a little while.

Now time to help uncle and KK. Look closely and you will see the blue coloring splattering from Ethan throwing the egg into the coloring.

Ethan decorating and egg with stickers.

Mommy and Ethan decorating together.

My love.

Family eggs.

Ethan's eggs. He actually colored a couple but these were the ones he worked so hard on.

Afterwards he thought he would push his cart around. Nana & Papa bought this last weekend. Ethan loves to push it all over the tile because it makes a lovely sound.

One of Ethan's favorite things. Nana reading to him. Ethan will bring her books all day and ask her to "bead"

Friday night Ethan's 2 cousins stayed the night. Since it was nice they went outside to play. They really enjoyed the sandbox.

I love this picture.

All 3 of them enjoying time together.

Haidyn, Ethan, and Haleigh.
We decided to color more eggs tonight. The girls loved this. Ethan did not want to participate much tonight. He did color a few but I was not able to take many pictures because I was helping everyone.

Final product.

I love having all this family time together. We have all these wonderful things because our Lord gave his only son for us. I hope everyone stops to remember what this weekend is truly about.

We love you all! Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ethan & Haleigh

Friday night Ethan had the opportunity to play with his cousin Haleigh. I love watching them play together. Haleigh is so helpful with him and Ethan just adores her. Ethan has a tube of toys at his papaw & Mamaw's house. The 2 of them learned the tub was much more fun then the actual toys.

The tube can even act as a car.
Ethan loves chasing his cousin around. He just laughs as she runs from him.
I am so happy Ethan has cousins that are so good with him. When I first realized that all of his cousins were going to be so much older than him I was worried he would have no cousin playmates. I was completely wrong because his cousins love him so much and play non stop with him even though they are so much older. It the end it has been so great because they can really entertain him. Cousins are such a special gifts we have as children. I am so happy that Ethan and his cousins love each other so much.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Play Dough Fun

This week I decided I would introduce Ethan to play dough. He was not real sure at first but ended up enjoying it. He mostly preferred using tools to play with it as he hates having things touch his hands that might get him dirty. It amazes me how big Ethan is. He really likes sitting at the table. This just shows that he is no longer a baby. Breaks my heart a little.

After play dough we had to go out and enjoy the sunshine. Almost every night Ethan ask to go outside or "slide" which is his favorite thing. I bought him a lawn chair this past week so we tried it out as well. Love you all!