Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year we have so much to be thankful for. We are so blessed to be parents of such an amazing little boy. We started off the day at our home cooking and watching the parade. For lunch we went to my grandparents (Raprich) home. Ethan played with toys and we all spent time together as a family. Ethan with his Nana. Ethan loves his Nana so much.
Ethan playing with his 2nd cousin Rhett.

Ethan and Me. My little man is such a blessing. It amazes me that it was exactly 2 years ago on Thanksgiving day we found out we were going to be having this little miracle. I never imaged that my life would be this blessed. I thank God everyday that I am Ethan's mommy.

After lunch we were playing and Ethan needed a diaper change. Ethan hates having his diaper changed. As soon as the diaper is off he goes a running. We got a pic of Ethan caught with his pants down. We were really capturing his mad face.

Between families Ethan decided to take a quick nap. So many people it was jut to much to handle.
Ethan woke and decided it was time for his Thanksgiving meal.

Ethan decided he was finally awake enough to feed his self.

Yummy Thanksgiving Dinner.

Ethan with his newest baby cousin, Easton. Ethan is not real sure of babies yet. He sat very nicely with Easton here.
My two boys. The loves of my life.
Our family.
Ethan discovered his mamaw's walk in shower. He thinks it is a hiding spot
Happy Thanksgiving! We are so blessed to have an amazing family and friends. We love you all!

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