Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ethan's cousins came over to watch the bedlam game. Ethan absolutely loves to play with his cousins. I snapped a few shots of them together. I thought this one was to precious. Ethan and his cousin Haidyn sitting together. Everyone watching the game.
My little man!
Haidyn and Ethan playing.
Ethan with his cousins.
Time to read a book.
Still reading.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Ethan has been eyeing the tree since it was set up. I decided I would let him help decorate the tree a little bit. Ethan likes to pat the tree. Ethan putting ornaments on the tree.
Ethan picking out his decoration.

Ethan was not able to put the ornaments on with out help but he was really trying.

The final product!
We went shopping on Saturday for a little while. Ethan of course wanted to make a stop at the play area in the mall. Here are a few pictures of him playing.

This tree was Ethan's favorite thing. He played on the tree for a majority of his time there.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year we have so much to be thankful for. We are so blessed to be parents of such an amazing little boy. We started off the day at our home cooking and watching the parade. For lunch we went to my grandparents (Raprich) home. Ethan played with toys and we all spent time together as a family. Ethan with his Nana. Ethan loves his Nana so much.
Ethan playing with his 2nd cousin Rhett.

Ethan and Me. My little man is such a blessing. It amazes me that it was exactly 2 years ago on Thanksgiving day we found out we were going to be having this little miracle. I never imaged that my life would be this blessed. I thank God everyday that I am Ethan's mommy.

After lunch we were playing and Ethan needed a diaper change. Ethan hates having his diaper changed. As soon as the diaper is off he goes a running. We got a pic of Ethan caught with his pants down. We were really capturing his mad face.

Between families Ethan decided to take a quick nap. So many people it was jut to much to handle.
Ethan woke and decided it was time for his Thanksgiving meal.

Ethan decided he was finally awake enough to feed his self.

Yummy Thanksgiving Dinner.

Ethan with his newest baby cousin, Easton. Ethan is not real sure of babies yet. He sat very nicely with Easton here.
My two boys. The loves of my life.
Our family.
Ethan discovered his mamaw's walk in shower. He thinks it is a hiding spot
Happy Thanksgiving! We are so blessed to have an amazing family and friends. We love you all!


Ethan needed a stocking for Christmas this year. I normally have very set and matching decorations but Ethan won this time. We took Ethan to Garden Ridge and he picked out his stocking. Ethan has never taken a real interest in any character but as soon as his saw the Elmo stocking he was sold. He pointed to it and when I handed it to him he just kept hugging it. It was so adorable so he got the Elmo stocking. Only problem is he thinks it is a toy and wants to carry it around with him. Ethan calls Elmo Melmo. He loves his stocking and carries it around the house with him.
Ethan hugging "Melmo".

Monday, November 15, 2010

Little bit of hair

Ethan has been my little baldy since birth. Everyone always comments on how he has no hair. Well he is starting to get some hair even though it is still very thin and blond. The other night I was washing his hair and playing with it. I was able to get it to stand up a little. I of course had to take pictures of the hair Ethan has for proof. Yes at 15 months we only have this much hair and you can barely see it. Ethan with a baby Mohawk.

Future Sooner

This weekend Mike had to go to the OU art museum for school. We took Ethan down there in hopes he would go through the museum. What were we thinking... Ethan and an art museum. Of course Ethan hated the museum and he wanted to scream and go wondering off. I decided Mike would stay and do his work and me and Ethan would take a tour of my old campus. Mike had the camera so we only had a few pictures at the end. Ethan loved walking on campus. I showed him some of the old buildings and he just looked around. I told him of places I really enjoyed and how much he will love this campus one day. It was a beautiful day so it was a great opportunity to walk around campus together.
Ethan and mama enjoying the OU campus. My future Sooner!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

#1 Thunder Fan

The Thunder Girls were having their calendar release party this weekend. We went to support Kelsey in her event. Here is a picture of Ethan with his aunt Kelsey. Ethan loved all the attention from the girls. He gave every one of them a high five. My little man is such a flirt. He also made the NBA webpage. Ethan with his uncle Brett (Bubba). Ethan loves time with his uncle.
After the Thunder Party we went to eat. Here is us downtown.

Outdoor fun

Ethan has really began to love the outdoors. He wants to be out there for everything. We are trying enjoy any nice day we have. Here is Ethan playing outside one day. Ethan enjoys climbing on his toy.
Ethan thinks he is such a big boy.

Ethan is learning about the slide. He does great with the small slide but wants assistance on the bigger slide. If he does the big slide by his self He goes down on his tummy feet first. It is so amazing to see how much he has grown and how big he is becoming.

Halloween 2010

To finish off all the Halloween festivities we went to Nana & Papa's to get Ethan's Halloween treat box. Here is the treat box. Ethan seeing what he got. Ethan has definitely learned about gifts.
There was a bath toy in there and Ethan took a liking to it. He carried it around the whole time we were there.

Spiderman chasing his big Pumpkin balloon.
Ethan and Nana opening Mr. Potato Head.
Ethan playing with his news. Ethan is very spoiled by his Nana and Papa. He is so blessed to have such loving grandparents. We love you Nana and Papa.
Of course I had to make Ethan a treat box for our house as well. My mother has always done it for us so I have just followed along with the tradition for my family. Here is Ethan's Halloween treats from Mama and Dada.
Ethan took off with the Frankenstein Bear and took off.
Ethan looking at his card. Ethan thinks cards are books so we had to read it a few times before bed.