Sunday, May 16, 2010

Table Foods

Ethan had his 9 month check up on Tuesday. He is growing great. Weighing 18lbs 11 oz and measuring a 28 in (couldn't get a great measurement so maybe a tad longer). We unfortunately found out he had double ear infections again. We are thinking about seeing an ENT but haven't made the decision yet. We were given the okay to start table food. This was are first dinner, cheese raviolis. I can't believe Ethan is ready for big food. He has had a few taste here and there but this was his first real meal.

Ethan feeding his self. He wasn't real sure due to them being sticky. He did much better with my help.

Yummy. These are tasty. Ethan had a few raviolis then we ate some pureed mixed veggies. We will have to keep practicing. Such a big boy!

Ethan tried a Gerber cookie this week. He absolutely loved the cookie. I quickly learned these are only for home. As you can see we make quit a mess.

Cookie face!

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