Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Weekend Part 1

We always have a cook out on Memorial day with the family. We go out to my grandparents land and have tons of food. Ethan loved playing with his cousin Rhett and socializing with all his family. He started off playing out in the yard but we moved him indoors to keep him cooled off. I did not take many pictures but here are a few.

We were there at nap time. Uncle Brett went to help Ethan nap. Here is Ethan with his Uncle Brett. They are best buddies.

Finally it was nap time. Ethan was snuggled up with his dada.

After spending time with the family we went to see friends. Ethan got to go have his first play date with his little girl friend, Kadynce.

Ethan and Kadynce in the pool. Ethan loved this and kept wanting to splash. Kadynce was not happy about this boy in her pool. He kept splashing her. It was adorable watching the 2 of them play. They are about 10 weeks apart.

Ethan and Kadynce still playing. Ethan really liked playing with her. We had to keep a close eye on him because he kept trying to get her.

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