Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day- Part 2 "At the Zoo"

For Memorial Day we all went to the Zoo. Mommy, Daddy, Ethan, Nana, Papa, Summer, and Kadynce. We thought we were going to get rained out but luckily it cleared up and we spent all afternoon there. Here are the 2 cuties starting the day off. They are all packed up and ready to go. Strollers...check, sippy cups...check, snacks...check! We are ready for some animals and fun.

First stop was the Children's Zoo. We petted some goats, sheep, and pigs. Ethan was not sure of the animals up close. He just stared at them.

I tried getting up and then he leaned over to look at them so I bent back down. I assisted him in petting the goat.

Mommies and Babies at the Zoo.

Ethan and Kadynce chatting it up.

Playing on the animals.

Parrish Family Time

Ethan with his Nana and Papa

Michael and My Mom

Me and Michael.

Ethan looking at the Black Bears. We kept telling him what the animals were and every time he would say "Dog". I guess if Ethan says it a dog than its a dog.

We had to make a quick stop for a bottle.

Ethan looking at the monkeys with his Nana and Papa. It was amazing how he would look at the animals. He just observed them with such interest.

Papa showing Ethan something.

Ethan and Daddy looking at animals together.

Our happy little family. I am so grateful everyday for this family. I have been so blessed.

Ethan and Kadynce. I thought they were going to kiss. They would just get right into one another face and laugh. They are going to be such great little friends.

Everyone looking at the animals.

More Monkey watching. Those monkeys sure know how to put on a show. At times it was a little inappropriate.

Ethan and Kadynce.

Ethan Michael Parrish (just days away from being 10 months)

Mommy and her Little Man.

The end of our day. Ethan fell asleep as we were walking to the entrance. He had his share of a good time. Ms. Kadynce was still ready to go. I guess that boy is going to have to learn to keep up. We had such a wonderful day. It was a great time with family and friends.

Ethan passed out. He was exhausted.

Memorial Weekend Part 1

We always have a cook out on Memorial day with the family. We go out to my grandparents land and have tons of food. Ethan loved playing with his cousin Rhett and socializing with all his family. He started off playing out in the yard but we moved him indoors to keep him cooled off. I did not take many pictures but here are a few.

We were there at nap time. Uncle Brett went to help Ethan nap. Here is Ethan with his Uncle Brett. They are best buddies.

Finally it was nap time. Ethan was snuggled up with his dada.

After spending time with the family we went to see friends. Ethan got to go have his first play date with his little girl friend, Kadynce.

Ethan and Kadynce in the pool. Ethan loved this and kept wanting to splash. Kadynce was not happy about this boy in her pool. He kept splashing her. It was adorable watching the 2 of them play. They are about 10 weeks apart.

Ethan and Kadynce still playing. Ethan really liked playing with her. We had to keep a close eye on him because he kept trying to get her.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ethan recently went to another birthday party at Jump Zone. Unfortunately mommy's battery went out so we didn't get any other pictures. Ethan really enjoyed his self this time. Mommy and him played on a bouncer and went down a slide. This little toy was his favorite. He loved bouncing on it. Another little girl played with the other and they just bounced forever. Ethan is really enjoying playing now.

Ethan and Charlie at our bedroom window. The two of them love to just look out side. It is so funny to watch the two of them together.

Check Spelling
Just looking outside.

Camping May 2010

This past weekend we went to Fort Cobb with Nana and Papa. We always enjoy the lake. This weekend Ethan actually got to spend a lot of time outside. He loved being out there.

Ethan is so funny, he is not a fan of the grass. He would crawl to the grass and touch it and then pull his hand back quickly. He really enjoyed the outdoors. This was his first time to really spend time outside. We had to be so careful to keep him out of the sun.

One evening we took a stroll around the lake. Ethan really enjoyed this. He sat and just looked around at everything.

Ethan and his Nana.
Dada caught a fish. This was the only fish of the weekend.
Ethan and Dada in the camper.

Not a very good picture but Ethan loves to play. We had toys strung all over the camper and outdoors.
Ethan and Dada outside playing.

Ethan and Mommy sitting outside with the camp fire.
Mommy and Daddy after a long day at the lake.
Nana and Papa at the camp fire.
Daddy driving all of us home.

Charlie enjoying the ride home. We love the lake!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ethan has discovered the backdoor. He loves to look out and see what is all going on. He especially is interested when his dog, Charlie is out there. He just watches at him and bangs on the door. It is so cute to watch how much Ethan loves his dog and his dog loves him

Ethan is talking to his dog. He kept banging and yelling for him.

My 2 boys. They are so sweet together.

Ethan has been walking around the furniture a bunch lately. I finally put his walker together and he did very well with it. He gets a little nervous because it moves faster than he wants.

Look at me go. I am a big boy walking.

On a side note. Ethan took 2 steps tonight while at my parents house. He was standing at the table and took 2 steps to come to me. He does not have his balance well so he fell into my arms. He was so brave and kept getting up and trying again. He is really getting so big. I can't believe he is trying to walk on his own.