Saturday, December 17, 2011

Catch Up

So I have been terrible about blogging lately. It started by my computer dying, then not getting the new one set up, and then just life. This post is just a recap of the past few months. This is really going to show how long it has been. I will try to be better about keeping everyone up to date.
When the weather was still real nice we spent a ton of it outdoors. Ethan loves his water table and wanted to play with this everyday we came home. Of course we went to the State Fair when it was here. This year was a lot of fun because Ethan was excited about different parts. He loved watching the pigs race.
Ethan and his Nana.

We even played a few games. So much fun watching these experiences from his eyes.
We won prizes too!
The animals were his favorite. This boy loves all types of animals and even makes most of the sounds. It is so cute.
Family picture as we were leaving. Ethan was worn out.
For Thanksgiving we went to see all of our families. We started off at my Grandparents house for lunch. I did not take many pictures there. Ethan and his cousin Rhett watching Cars. They had a lot of fun together.
Papa, Nana, and Ethan.
Since we did not eat with the Parrish family we all went bowling that night. This was Ethan's first time to bowl. Ethan had such an amazing time. He played and was a perfect little guy this night.
Watching his bowling ball go down. Wishing very hard for a strike.
Of course we had to get snacks.
Ethan helping Aunt D (Mandy) bowl. Yes he calls her aunt D.
December 17, 2011. This weekend we went with some family downtown for some family fun. We had planned on snow tubing but it was sold out. Ethan loves walking around the ball park. Here is a picture of him with his cousins (Haleigh and Haidyn). Ethan loves his cousins so much. He just follows them around.
Ethan and Uncle Mark.
Mommy and her little man!

Family Picture.
All the kids (Logan, Haleigh, Haidyn and Ethan)
Hope everyone is having a great Christmas season. We are enjoying out time together as a family. We have been amazed how much Ethan has grown and matured this past month. Our little man is definitely not a baby any more. We are so blessed to have Ethan and are treasuring every day we have. Merry Christmas!

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