Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vacation in Florida

In July the family took a trip to Destin, Florida. Here are some pictures capturing our week there. We flew out from OKC to Houston, then into Florida. This was Ethan's first time flying. I was so nervous about how he would do, but he was a champ. We flew out very early on Monday so he slept most of the first flight. The second flight he stayed awake and did great, watching movies and playing with his toys. He loved looking out the widow too.

Ethan waiting for our plain. He loved looking out at all the planes.

Playing during our layover. He even did good at the airport.

Nana and Ethan getting on the Plain to Florida.

As soon as we reach Florida we headed to the beach. We had a condo across the street from the beach so we walked over everyday to play. Ethan loves the beach.

It seem like every time we were at the beach Ethan was ready for a nap. SO we could make a little area and he would just nap while we hung out.

Ethan playing with his Nana

At night we would go out shopping or eating. I tried to get a family pictures but as usual Ethan wanted nothing to do with pictures.

Eating at Hard Rock.

One day Ethan helped bury his dada in the sand.

There was time just hanging out. Ethan had his first crush. He loved playing with Aunt KK. He was always taking her Cars and wanting her to play with him.

Relaxing and watching a movie.

Out shopping and Eating Ice Cream

Ethan and his Bubba

Out shopping at the mall.

The Mall is like an outlet. The center was a splash area that tons of kids were playing in. Ethan loved the water but would not run in it. Just would touch with his hands then run off laughing.

Also had a play area that Ethan absolutely loved.

One evening we went to the Docks for a Dolphin tour. While waiting Ethan feed the fish.

Looking at Dolphins. As Ethan refers to anything in the water "fishy"

Hanging out with Bubba and Aunt KK

Ethan and Aunt KK playing in sand.

Our last night we ate at Fudruckers. Ethan really liked the Alligators. The wait ended up being so long that by the time we were seated Ethan was tired and ready to leave. It was so loud Ethan ended up becoming real upset so we took the food home.

We had a great time in Florida. It was great having the family all together. It's times like that week that mean so much having everyone all together. Hope everyone has been enjoying their summer.

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