Monday, May 23, 2011

Such a BIG Boy!

It has been a little while since I have updated so we have a lot to catch up on. Over the past few weeks I have real started to realize how big Ethan really is. He is officially a toddler running all over the place. He is growing and learning so much it just amazes me. With the weather being nice we have been spending a lot of time outside. Ethan attended a birthday party at the park. He was able to play and fly a kite.

After the day at the park this is how he ended up in the car.

Ethan has really started a good bed time routine. After bath he will sit and play or read for a little bit then when it is time to go Night Night he will hold my hand and walk me to his bed. I tuck him and and tell him how much I love him. When I leave his room I always tell him "sweet dreams baby boy, I love you so much" and he responds "Bye". It is so precious and just melts my heart every time.

Ethan in his "melmo" (Elmo) pjs with house shoes. Ethan thinks these are "babies" instead of shoes.

This past weekend was Ethan's great-grandpa Raprich's 75th birthday party. Ethan was able to see all the family and play. We did not take any family pictures since so much was going on but here are just a few I took of Ethan.

Ethan playing with Papa.
Finally it is Lake time. This family loves the lake and try to go as often as possible. We only were able to go for 1 night but we still enjoyed our time. Ethan loves the lake and played so much. It was so neat to see how much he has changed since his last lake trip.

Ethan has his first water gun. He loves water so this was a fun little thing to play with.

Ethan playing with his Nana. Oh these 2 are the best of friends. Ethan always wants his Nana and the 2 of them have so much fun.

Snack time.
Playing in the dirt. Oh this was so much fun. He played in the dirty and rocks the entire time.

Driving his 4 wheeler. Starting him early.
We stopped at Ski Boys for some ice cream. I got Ethan his own ice cream cookie sandwich. He loved this special treat.

Ethan's favorite part of the lake is throwing rocks in the lake. This was all he wanted to do.

That night we had a camp fire. Ethan was getting tired but I wanted him to enjoy some special family time while we all sat and listen to the band play at the marina.

Of course Ethan had to spend some cuddle time with his Nana.

Can't leave Papa out. This was Papa's favorite part.

After our long weekend this is how I found my boys on Sunday night. I am truly blessed with these 2 boys. I thank God everyday for my 2 loves. I can't imagine a day with out them.

I hope everyone is having an amazing week.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Southlake park and cookie time

This Monday Nana and me took the day off to spend sometime together. That afternoon we took Ethan to go play at the mall playground and then Ethan got a cookie and drink. (Plans were limited due to the rain and cold). When Ethan was sitting at the table me and my mom were amazed at how big he is getting. He was just this toddler sitting there eating and talking to us. Ethan has his Nana wrapped around his finger. She loves to spoil him and I love how close they are. While together I was just imagining all the fun times they have ahead together. Nana loves to do fun things so I am sure she is planning all kinds of fun days for them.

Today when I got home I wanted to take Ethan to the new park close to our house. It is an amazing park that is perfect for kids of all ages. The first picture is Ethan on the way to the park. He sees how we put our sunglasses on our heads so he wanted to do the same and insisted they stay there.

Below are picture of Ethan playing at the park. He loved it there. He ran all over the place. There is a toddler section and then some bigger sections that Ethan tried out as well. This park is a new favorite and I see lots of summer days here.

I had to show an after picture this time. We needed to leave so we could have dinner. Ethan was not happy about leaving at all. He struggled to get in the car and cried the first few minutes. I know this is sad but it shows just how strong willed this boy is. When he wants something you definitely know.

Hope everyone is having an amazing week. We have been enjoying this nice weather and spending as much time together as we can.