Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve with Parrish Family

Christmas Eve is always spent with the Parrish Family. We all get together to eat and spend time with one another. Here are some pictures from out evening. We are truly blessed to have such a loving family. Family Picture. I love my boys with all my heart.
Ethan with his cousin Logan.
Ethan was cheesing it up on this night.

All the girls, minus 1 (Mandy)
The Boys Minus a few.
Ethan was very concerned about the drinks being on the floor. he reorganized them for us.
Ethan starting to open presents. Ethan was not a huge fan of opening presents. Mostly we opened them and he just played with them.
Ethan looking at his new book. Thank you Nina & Brandon. We love it.
Ethan opening his basketball goal.
Papaw got us a bike.
Ethan finally opening his own gifts. He torn little pieces off.
Still opening.
Playing with some of out new toys.
Time to make some music.
Merry Christmas.

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