Thursday, April 15, 2010

The past week we have been spending a lot of time playing. Ethan has become a wild man. He is into anything and everything. It is a constant go from the moment we get home. Ethan has stopped his evening nap and so we never stop till it is bed time. I took a few pictures of him in his normal wild mood.

Ethan discovered he can crawl under the tables.

We had just got finished getting ready for church and Ethan went straight to his toy box to start playing.

This picture should have followed the next picture. This is the aftermath of Ethan after a tower is built. As soon as he sees it, he comes straight to it to destroy it.

Ethan coming to knock over the tower. Man on a mission!

Ethan is such a happy boy. This is him trying to knock all the toys out of the bucket.
This is Ethan's favorite "no no" spot. He constantly is trying to get into the dogs cage. He at first just wanted to play with the cage door but now he tries to get into the food. He knocks over the food, spills the water or gets in the cage at least once a day because I am not fast enough. Oh the joys of a boy! I love every move he makes but he really is keeping me on my toes these days.

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