Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Play Time

Ethan loves to play in his room. We try to go in there every night to play. It is so cute to watch him. He has favorite toys now and it is amazing to watch him go to those toys. One if his favorites is his zoo. Uncle Brett did a great job picking this out. He loves to play with the animals and listen to the music.

Ethan and Charlie playing. Look at how big he is.

We also love to read. He likes to look at the pictures.

Ethan gets so excited. We love our special time together.

Play time is so much fun!

Family Time with the Parrish's

Our little family.

Ethan and Mommy!

Ethan trying a piece of a banana

Ethan spitting out the banana. This boy does not like fruit.

Ethan and his cousins. They love him so much and are the best cousins.

Little Musician

Every Sunday we go and have dinner with Nana and Papa at their house. We always love this time with them plus it is one less meal I have to cook. Well Nana thinks that Ethan needs everything under the sun so he has a basket full of toys there too. Nana is working on Ethan's musical strengths. He now has a piano and drum set. Oh yes I said drums. We love letting Ethan learn, even when it means lots of noise. Mike loves music and plays so I think it only is fair for Ethan to learn. He is my little musician.

Ethan playing his piano. He loves all the music.

Ethan showing off to everyone. He is the entertainment for dinner. He makes sure that the whole family has fun.

Little Drummer! He loved this. He even would hit the drum. I was impressed. Now most of the time he wants to just put the sticks in his mouth but he will play on the drum some.

Nana, Ethan, and Max (the dog) playing the drums. He and Nana took turns playing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The past week we have been spending a lot of time playing. Ethan has become a wild man. He is into anything and everything. It is a constant go from the moment we get home. Ethan has stopped his evening nap and so we never stop till it is bed time. I took a few pictures of him in his normal wild mood.

Ethan discovered he can crawl under the tables.

We had just got finished getting ready for church and Ethan went straight to his toy box to start playing.

This picture should have followed the next picture. This is the aftermath of Ethan after a tower is built. As soon as he sees it, he comes straight to it to destroy it.

Ethan coming to knock over the tower. Man on a mission!

Ethan is such a happy boy. This is him trying to knock all the toys out of the bucket.
This is Ethan's favorite "no no" spot. He constantly is trying to get into the dogs cage. He at first just wanted to play with the cage door but now he tries to get into the food. He knocks over the food, spills the water or gets in the cage at least once a day because I am not fast enough. Oh the joys of a boy! I love every move he makes but he really is keeping me on my toes these days.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Happy Easter! We started the morning off by getting up and ready for church. On a side note Ethan had his first injury ochie. He was pulling up on our dresser and fell and bumped his forehead on the drawer corner. I was very upset by this but had to get to church so little time to worry. Ethan went to the nursery and we went to church. After church Nana and Papa came with us to get Ethan. We took family pictures real quick.

Ethan with his Nana and Papa after church. You can see him boo boo on his forehead here.

Since we were running behind that morning we opened Easter baskets after church. (Luckily Ethan didn't realize it earlier. Next year we won't be as lucky). As you can see the Easter bunny brought a bunch of goodies for little man.

Ethan really liked the eggs. They were filled with puffs and yogurt freezes.

Ethan likes his big blue bunny. He gave him hugs and bites on his nose.

We went to Papaw and Mamaw's house next. The entire family was there and had a cook out. Ethan always enjoys seeing everyone and playing with his cousins.

Of course Ethan is spoiled by everyone so he received baskets from his mamaw and Papaw as well as his Uncle Marky and Aunt Mandy. He was very excited to get more Puffs. These are his favorite snacks.

Ethan's cousin Haidyn is always right by his side. She wanted to make sure Ethan was included in the egg hunt. She was so sweet, when I explained he couldn't hunt she offered to hunt and give her eggs. I told her he had eggs so she put them in the living room and tried to help him hunt them. She would hand him an egg and say Ethan found it. She is such a great cousin. She is always is right there to play and love on him.

That evening we went over to Nana and Papa's house. Ethan had a pretty busy day but he always enjoys going over there to play. Nana and Papa went a little crazy this Easter and bought Ethan a Radio Flyer wagon filled with all kinds of goodies. Ethan loved his dinosaur basket.

Ethan in his Radio Flyer. Papa pushed Ethan around the house and he loved it as long as he kept moving. When it stops he get mad. This will be so much fun for the summer. The Radio Flyer is amazing. It has 2 chairs that also fold down, and backpack cooler, and a canopy. Ethan is very lucky to have so many people love and spoil him.

HAPPY EASTER! We loved spending the day with all of our family. We are so blessed to have such a loving family. Most importantly it was a great day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. I hope that Ethan understand how truly blessed he is and learns the true meaning of Easter. We love you all!


8 months and Camping

You are about to be overloaded with photos. We went to the lake for Good Friday with my parents (Nana and Papa). Ethan also turned 8 months on that Friday. We spent Friday and Saturday at the lake just playing and relaxing. It was a beautiful weekend and we really enjoyed all the sunshine.

Ethan playing with his toys in the trailer. At times it was super windy so he had to stay in. He just played on our bed with all his toys and played.

We read books before bed.

Ethan and his Dada. The 2 loves of my life!

Ethan really enjoyed looking out the windows. He would pat at the windows while people talked to him. Nana went outside and talked to him and he loved it.

Nana and Ethan enjoyed their time playing together.

Sitting by the camp fire as a family.

My big boy. He is 8 months old and getting so independent. He is sleeping through the night. Is on the same schedule he has been. Still 5 bottles a day and 2 to 3 meals (Stage 2 baby food). We are eating puffs and crunchies. He loves feeding himself. He plays constantly and crawls all over the place. He is pulling up on everything. It is amazing to watch him grow and learn but is happening so quickly. He is getting to be a big boy and not a baby anymore.

Mommy and Ethan fishing. No fish but Ethan was fascinated with the worms.

Ethan loved being outside. He did get mad that I wouldn't let him on the ground but he enjoyed himself anyways.

Packing Ethan

We were packing up some of Ethan's stuff he has out grown, such as his swing. Ethan was fascinated by the big boxes and kept trying to get in them. We put him in the box and he just sat there and smiled. It was so cute.

Big Boy Car Seat

So we decided to move Ethan into his big boy car seat. We had him do a trial run to make sure we had it fit to his size. He really liked it while it was in the house. He thought it was so funny and just sat there with no problem.

I am so glad to move Ethan into his big seat. I could barely lug around that infant carrier. He was just to heavy.

Ethan just sat and played in his seat.

First car ride in the big seat. He was not so happy about it. We quickly realized that he was upset because he no longer had his toy bar. We stopped and bought some toys just for the car and he has been happy ever since. He just sits back there and rides and babbles at us.