Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fun at the Zoo

Today we took Ethan to the Zoo to enjoy the beautiful weather and have some fun on our time off. First stop was the play ground. Ethan loved just sitting in this tunnel. Then some fun on the swing.
Ethan in the Turtle.
Making friends with the other children.
Ethan with his Dada and Papa.
Ethan was very fascinated with the Ducks.
Ethan on the Turtle. This is one of his favorite words to say as well.
Papa and Ethan looking at more turtles.
Ethan kept watching other people make pennies so Papa made one with him too. Ethan even help crank the wheel.
Last stop was the ride.

Yummy...Kit Kat

I am pretty selective on what I let Ethan have to eat. Since we have so much Christmas candy around I decided he could try a Kit Kat. Well the boy loves them. Here is a few pics of him with the candy.

After the candy. Standing on his chair with a huge chocolate smile.

Swing Set

Nana and Papa bought Ethan a swing set for Christmas. Since it was so nice out today the boys put it up. Here is Ethan seeing his new present put together. Ethan driving!
Trying out the slide.
Now lets swing.
Ethan enjoying his present. Thank you so much Nana and Papa. I love you so much!

Artist in the Making

I have been trying to find activities for us this week to do. Ethan received a desk from his Mamaw and Papaw for Christmas. I thought we should try it out while we colored. Here are a few pictures of Ethan.

After coloring Ethan wanted to watch a little TV to calm down. I thought he looked like such a big boy sitting cross legged on the floor How quick my baby is growing up.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This week I took off work to spend some time with Ethan. We haven't done much but lay around and play. It has been a nice little break for us. here are some pictures of our time together.

Ethan loves bath time. It is probably one if his favorite times of the day. In the past week he has become extremely hyper at bath time and will splash and play. He is always full of laughs. It brightens my heart each time he smiles and laughs.

Hope everyone is having a great week. Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

After the festivities at the Parrish family we came to stay at my parents house. We all hung out and spent time together. It is a tradition to all getting PJs on Christmas eve. Nana made Ethan his matching pair so he could be like the big boys. They turned out too cute. Ethan playing the piano before bed.
We tried to take a family picture. Ethan was not wanting to participate. He just wanted to play. He skipped the rest of the pictures.
Michael, me, Nana, and Papa
Me, Nana, Papa, and Uncle Brett (Bubba)
Christmas morning Ethan woke up. We brought him out to the front room to see what Santa had brought. He immediately got right into his car. He just wanted to sit in there.
He next opened his stockings. He was so overwhelmed with everything.
Ethan going through his stockings goodies. This is what happens when you have 2 stockings.

Opening presents. Nana and Papa bought him an OU chair. It is so cute.
Ethan wanted to open presents with Nana and not his parents.
There were tons more pictures. Ethan spent the day going to see all of his family. He was a little overwhelmed with all the activities but did very well. After seeing the family he came home and had a nap. We then spent the evening seeing his cousins and letting him play with his new toys. We are so blessed to have amazing family to celebrate this special day with. We love you all.

Christmas Eve with Parrish Family

Christmas Eve is always spent with the Parrish Family. We all get together to eat and spend time with one another. Here are some pictures from out evening. We are truly blessed to have such a loving family. Family Picture. I love my boys with all my heart.
Ethan with his cousin Logan.
Ethan was cheesing it up on this night.

All the girls, minus 1 (Mandy)
The Boys Minus a few.
Ethan was very concerned about the drinks being on the floor. he reorganized them for us.
Ethan starting to open presents. Ethan was not a huge fan of opening presents. Mostly we opened them and he just played with them.
Ethan looking at his new book. Thank you Nina & Brandon. We love it.
Ethan opening his basketball goal.
Papaw got us a bike.
Ethan finally opening his own gifts. He torn little pieces off.
Still opening.
Playing with some of out new toys.
Time to make some music.
Merry Christmas.