Friday, September 18, 2009

Wedding/ 6 Weeks Old

Ethan attended his 1st wedding on 8/12/09. My cousin Kayla was married. He did okay. Michael stood in the lobby with him because it was feeding time and we did not want him to make any noises and disrupt the wedding. We stayed at the reception as long as we could but it was bed time so we had to sneak out early. Ethan turned 6 weeks old the next day. He is getting so big. We ended up taking him to see the PA this week due to a rash on his face. As I expected he has eczema. We were given a Rx for a cream and it is clearing up. He weighed 12.5 lb and was 22.5 in long. We do believe the Dr scale is off a little but we know that he has grown 4 lbs since his first week at the Dr. Ethan does have nights were he is sleeping 4 to 5 hours. Oh how I love those nights. Other nights we are up and down all night. He is so alert during the day and smiles all the time. I am still trying to capture that smile on camera but he knows when I get it out. Smart boy! He loves to be sang to and wants to see what is going on. He is getting very strong and will hold his head up for short periods of time and now is using his upper body to hold himself up. We did get him enrolled in daycare so he will be starting there once I return to work here in a few more weeks. It is amazing how fast Ethan is growing and changing. We thank God every day for this little miracle we were given.

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