Monday, August 10, 2009

Ethan's Arrival

On Saturday 8/1 I was having contractions all day. Staying about 8 minutes apart. As the night went on the intensity grew. At 5am on Sunday 8/2 we called the on call doctor since the contractions were 5 to 6 minutes apart and very strong. She had us come in. We arrived to the hospital around 5:30am. I was only dialated to a 1. At 7am hey checked me and helped me get to a 3. I decided to labor a little longer even though the contractions were strong. At the next check I was a 4 and we decided it was time for the epidural. This was a blessing. I still could feel the contractions but I was not in so much pain. The doctor came in at 10:30 to break my water and to all of our suprise it was already broken (we guess it happened in the tub) and I was dilated to an 8.5. Doctor said we would be having this babt by lunch. At 11:30 I was complete and we started to push. Michael and mom stayed to coach. After 30 minutes of pushing Ethan arrived at 12:07 pm at 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/4 in long. Having Ethan has been the most incredible experience in the world. Michael and I are so lucky. Labor was not bad and happened way faster than I ever expected. Though I did not have my doctor, the on call doctor was wonderful and I wouldn't have asked for anything different. Ethan is perfect!

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