Sunday, August 30, 2009

4 weeks old

I can't believe Ethan is 4 weeks old today. He has grown tremendously in these past few weeks. He is up to 10 lbs. His neck is very strong and he can hold it up for some time now. He is very curious and loves to look around. We are still working on getting on a schedule but things are started to come together. We still have our bad nights at times. He really enjoys his swing and loves to listen to classical music. He is eating about 4 oz every 3 hours. He takes 1 morning nap and typically 2 afternoon naps (this is all by his choice, mommy would have his naps more consistent). I belive that he has learned his mom and dad's voice because when others hold him he will turn when the 2 of us talk. He continues to grown each day and is such a joy to have around. I can not believe how fast he is growing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 1

Ethan is over a week old now. He is doing so well. We are still struggling with our night times but he has his good nights as well. He continues to grow everyday. He eats about every 3 hours and takes 2 1/2 to 3 oz of formula/breastmilk mix. He is starting to stay a wake for short periods of time now. He makes funny faces all the time. He is so precious and we are so bless to have Ethan. We are also so thankful for all the love and help we are receiving from family.

Walk to the park

Mommy and Daddy took Ethan for a walk to the park. Ethan slept the entire time. He enjoys being out in the sun. Ethan is suppose to have some daily sun time to help with the jaundice. As a family we walk up to the park and back. He really likes to go over bumps.

First Bath

Ethan had his first sponge bath. He was not happy about this at all. He would cry and scream. After a little time he started to adjust. Ethan does not like to have his clothes off so I think this is why he was so unhappy. After bath time mommy massages him with baby lotion and puts on his pjs. I think once we move to real baths he will be a little happier.

First Doctors Visit

Ethan had his first doctors appointment on Thursday 8/6. He did very well. He weighed 8.5. Everything checked out very well. Unfortunately he had to get another injection because the one he got at the hospital messed up and only got half a dose. Ethan cried for just a minute and then calmed down. We don't have to go back for 2 months.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pictures with family

Coming Home!

After 2 days in the hospital we came home on Tuesday 8/4. Michael's father came to welcome us home. Over the past week we have had lots of family and friends come to visit and help out. We are so lucky to have such wonderful families and friends. I can not thank everyone enough for all they have done. Ethan has been doing well. He has his good and bad nights but we are working on getting on a schedule.

Ethan's Arrival

On Saturday 8/1 I was having contractions all day. Staying about 8 minutes apart. As the night went on the intensity grew. At 5am on Sunday 8/2 we called the on call doctor since the contractions were 5 to 6 minutes apart and very strong. She had us come in. We arrived to the hospital around 5:30am. I was only dialated to a 1. At 7am hey checked me and helped me get to a 3. I decided to labor a little longer even though the contractions were strong. At the next check I was a 4 and we decided it was time for the epidural. This was a blessing. I still could feel the contractions but I was not in so much pain. The doctor came in at 10:30 to break my water and to all of our suprise it was already broken (we guess it happened in the tub) and I was dilated to an 8.5. Doctor said we would be having this babt by lunch. At 11:30 I was complete and we started to push. Michael and mom stayed to coach. After 30 minutes of pushing Ethan arrived at 12:07 pm at 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/4 in long. Having Ethan has been the most incredible experience in the world. Michael and I are so lucky. Labor was not bad and happened way faster than I ever expected. Though I did not have my doctor, the on call doctor was wonderful and I wouldn't have asked for anything different. Ethan is perfect!