Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Just got back from the doctor today. My blood pressure was a little high and the doctor is concerned again about preclampsia (spelling ???). She had me do some blood work to make sure I will be okay through the weekend. We are scheduled for our induction Monday Morning (Aug 3) at 5am. We are hoping to get squeezed in Sunday night for medication but we will just have to see because they were full. Hard to believe that Ethan will actually be here so soon. We will keep everyone posted. We can't wait to meet this little guy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nursery PIctures

Ethan's room is complete. The first picture is of the closet. All of his clothes have been washed and organized and are just waiting for this little one to arrive for them to be used. Mom and me made the name sign that is above his crib. Everything is ready for his arrival. We are still waiting for his curtain to come in but everything else is complete. Cleaned and put together. We can't wait to see Ethan in his room.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

35 weeks down!

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant! We had our doctor appointment today and everything looks wonderful. Ethan is growing strong each day and he is staying right on track. Dr. Nanda feels that the pregnancy is going great and there should be no problems. We were able to discuss our birth plan with the doctor today and she agreed with our plan as long as medically I am the baby are okay Which of course I agreed with as well. Next week she will start taking measurements to see when we "think" we may go. She is hoping to let me go until my water breaks because my gestational diabetes is staying under control and everything has gone as needed. I was very excited to hear this but then found our that my doctor will be gone the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy and the last 2 weekends the on-call doctor is not who I would prefer out of the on-call doctors. I am just hoping that everything works out the way we have planned. In the end the only thing that matters is Ethan being healthy and happy. Ethan's room is almost completed Just waiting for the dresser to arrive then we will be set. I can't wait to meet this little guy.

Raprich Baby Shower

On Sunday I had my last baby shower with the Raprich family.It was hosted by my aunt and 2 cousins. It went wonderful. We now have everything we could imagine for Ethan. We are so blessed to have such loving and giving people in our lives.