Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Photo Shoot

We had the boys pictures made when Abel was just a week old.  Here is a viewing of them.  Thanks to Christen Foster Photography for the amazing work.  It is always nice having an old friend take amazing pictures of our family. 

4th of July

We had an amazing 4th of July.  We had 2 celebrations.  On Thursday July 4th we had a cook out with the Parrish family and watched fireworks in Moore.  Then on Friday July 5th we had another cookout and watched fireworks a second time.  Ethan absolutely loved fireworks this year.  He had a blast with all the kids too.  Both nights were amazing outside so we were able to keep Abel outside to enjoy all the festivities too. 

 Ethan with his cousin Easton.  They had so much fun together.

 Cousins (minus Abel)
 3 Generations of Parrish Boys
(Papaw, Mike and the boys)
 Ethan doing fire works.  He loved this.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Abel's arrival

This is way past due but we are just starting to get to a normal routine around here. (I still have tons of pictures I need to upload).  As many of you know Abel has made his arrival (5 weeks ago).  Abel was due 6/13 but made his appearance on 6/15.  We had went to the doctor on 6/14 to schedule our induction for the following week since my doctor had left town.  We ended up being sent to L&D to be monitored due to high blood pressure.  After 4 hours of monitoring and 2 sets of lab work later, I was admitted. My labs showed signs of preeclampsia so they wanted the on call doctor to induce. I was admitted that afternoon and they began the induction at 8pm that night. Around 10pm I was given a sleep aide to assist in my sleeping that night so when we started the Pitocin at 8am I would be rested.  Well this ended up being a interesting fact because Abel did not want to wait till morning.  At midnight I was dilated to a 5 and they wanted to begin the Pitocin.  Once they started the Pitocin my contractions were horrible.  All my time frames are a big blur due to being on a sleep aide and so tired.  I finally got my epidural and that helped a ton.  Mike was so amazing through all this.  I think it was nice it just being the 2 of us for so long.  We called the family to start coming as we knew Abel would be arriving soon.  By 5 am parents had arrived and I was ready to push.  Mike and mom were both in the room.  I pushed less than 20 minutes and Abel arrived at 5:37am at 9.2lbs and 22in.  Abel did swallow a lot of fluid on his way out so the nurse and pediatrician had to assist him for about 30 minutes as he was not taking full breaths.  I hated not having my little guy but luckily he was right there in the room so I was able to watch him and know he was okay.  About an hour later the family all came in to meet our newest addition.

 Ethan first meeting his brother.  I absolutely love how happy Ethan was to meet Abel.  This truly shows Ethan's feelings as he has been an amazing big brother.  He tells us frequently how much he loves his baby and how cute he is. 
 Nana and Papa first meeting Abel.

We came home on 6/16.  Ethan had been staying with my parents so they were at the house when we arrived.  Ethan was eager for me to be home and met me at the car.  Later that afternoon Ethan was ready to hold his brother for the first time.  Amazing how much I love these 2 boys.
 The first week home was good.  Mike was off and we just spent time as a family.  I really felt great and just had some minor pains.  Unfortunately a week into being home I ended up getting a small infection and running a high temp.  Mike had to take care of all of us for just over 24 hours.  Then I ended up with a horrible case of MRSA on my back which took almost 2 weeks to drain and heal. Once that was healed I started feeling better and was able to start enjoying the time with my boys more.


Abel had a check up at 4 days old.  He was 9.10lbs.  Yes a growing boy he is.  We then had his 2 week check up and he was 9.15 lb and still 22 in.  Dr Milligan really emphasized us staying home till Able is between 6-8 weeks home so I have tried my best to listen.  We still do small outings here and there but for the most part me and the boys stay home. 

 Abel's first bath,
The first few weeks were a big adjustment from 1 child that is so independent to a newborn.  Ethan has adjusted great but still requires some reassurance.  As a family we have started getting more of a routine and learning our new roles.  Abel is teaching us his wants and likes and we are slowing getting more of  a routine.  Abel is eating around every 3 hours or less so we are still getting little sleep.  Most days are spent home when Mike is working, unless Nana comes and takes us out.  I don't venture out to much alone because it is just so much work with both boys.  Life is absolutely amazing and I honestly did not know I would be able to love 2 little boys so much.  It is a ton of work but every moment is priceless.  I am so blessed and thank God daily for him blessing me with these 2 amazing little boys.