Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Soocer and Easter

Ethan started Soccer in March at the YMCA.  This has been a very interesting experience.  Currently we have played 2 games.  Ethan does fairly well at practice but the games are a complete challenge.  Ethan has no understanding of why someone is taking the ball from him and really thinks everyone should be taking turns.  Luckily Coach Levi is very calm and does so well with the kids. 

 Had to capture Ethan's attitude.  Ethan really struggled with the second game.  I think it was not helpful that he was tired so he basically refused to play at all that game. 
 I had to just add this picture.  Ethan has a new club house bed.  He thinks this is so much fun to play in.  The other day he was real quite and when I went to check on him he was passed out inside.  It was so sweet.
 It is so much fun to see everything through Ethan now.  He was getting excited for Easter  We dyed eggs a few nights before at Nana and Papa's house.  He had fun doing this.  On Easter morning he was excited to see what the Easter bunny had left for him.
 It was so cute, everything he pulled out he would get excited about and say, Oh mommy and tell me what he had. 
 All ready for Church.  My handsome little man!
 After church all the raprich family gathered at the farm for the annual egg hunt and lunch. 

 After visiting with my family, Ethan and I went to see the Parrish family.  Ethan enjoyed just playing outside. 
He made a quick stop for a picture with uncle Marky

 At the end of the day, we made one last stop back to Nana and Papa's house to get yet another Easter basket. 
We had an amazing Easter filled with lots of family time and fun. It was just hard not having Mike home for a holiday.  We are so blessed for the sacrifice that was made on the cross.  I am so happy we can celebrate the resurrection of our Christ.  Happy Easter to all our family and friends.

Big Brother

As many of you know we are expecting another little Parrish in June.  I am finally getting back to blogging so there is so much to update on.  We found out on my birthday we were finally pregnant.  It was such exciting news as we had been hoping for this for sometime now.  We told our parents by having Ethan wear a big brother shirt over to their homes.  It was fun to see their reactions once they finally saw the shirts. 
This pregnancy has been so different than the first.  I was very sick the first trimester.  After about the 13-14 week I started feeling much better.  Having to chase a 3 year old and being pregnant is much harder than I thought.  After some time of adjusting we have finally adjusted.  Initially I thought I would wait till the birth to find out the gender. However, Ethan was very adamant he was getting a sister so we decided we better prepare him for whatever sibling was in his future. 
In January we had a gender reveal party so that we could share the news with everyone.  Most of the family and our closest friends were present.  We had a light lunch and then revealed the big news.  Everyone was thinking girl and Mike and I were certain it was a girl.

 Little did we know we were wrong! Baby Parrish is a boy, Abel Christopher.  It was such a surprise for us.  Mike made me go get the paperwork to confirm the bakery was not wrong. 

We are almost 30 weeks.  This pregnancy has flown by.  We are slowly getting Abel's room put together.  Besides being tired this has been a fairly easy pregnancy.  I just learned I do not have gestational diabetes so I am very excited for this.  I have gained a total of 10 lbs so I am happy with those results.  We have a lot to finish up in the next few weeks but I am getting excited to meet this little boy!