Friday, November 23, 2012

Holidays are Here!

Been a little while since I last posted.  Things are a little busy with all the holidays here.  For Halloween we had a 2 day celebration.  First night we were able to go to our church for the Fall Festival.  Ethan had a lot of fun with the games, Bible walk, and bounce house.  Ethan of course went as Buzz Lightyear.  Last year we could not get a costume on him and this year we could not get it off!  Funny how much 1 year can make. 
 Playing Games

 His Favorite part was the bounce house.  He would have stayed her all day if we allowed.
 Mouth full of Kit Kat!
 Papa, Ethan, and Nana
 Every year I make a basket of goodies instead of candy so he had toys to play instead of a ton of candy he does not need.
 On Halloween we went trick or treating with his little cousin, Easton.  They had a lot of fun.  The boys thought they needed to ride to every house in the wagon. 
 Uncle Jessie letting them get ALL the candy they wanted. 

 Since the girls were not there, they came by later to get a quick picture.  
 Ethan loves the outdoors and with the new time change, we are struggling to find the time since it is already dark when we get home at night.  One of the down sides of a working mommy.  Ethan enjoyed some time outside one Saturday afternoon, early in November. 

 The weekend before Thanksgiving we always put up the trees.  Ethan has been talking about a Blue Christmas tree for weeks.  Nana went to buy him his own tree which Ethan decided to put in the living room.  He had lots of fun decorating this in all Toy Story and Cars!

 Ethan with his tree.  (Please forgive the no pants.  Ever since getting potty training he does not want to wear pants at home so he can easily go to the bathroom on his own.)
 Later that night he helped with the family tree. 

Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving. We are truly blessed with loving family and friends.  We are looking forward to all the upcoming festivities for Christmas.  Love you all, Parrish Family