Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lake and Fun at the Fair

Well September has come and is about to be over. We had a lot of fun enjoying the outdoors and getting ready for the Fall.  In the beginning of September Mike and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary.  We spent a few days in Dallas together.  Ethan stayed with Nana and Papa.  I will post pictures of his weekend once I get them.  Of course Nana and Papa spoiled him rotten and had his days packed with all kinds of activities.  It was nice to have some time together but it was hard being away from Ethan.  This has been the longest I have been a way, yes only a few days.     
 We were finally able to go back to the lake this month.  All summer it was too hot so finally we had a nice weekend ad took advantage of it before OU football started.  Ethan absolutely loves the lake.  The entire week leading up to the lake he is so happy and continues to ask when we are going.  The night before I always think we might just have to sleep in the camper as he is so ready to go.  I think he would live at the lake if he had a choice. 

 Ethan with his Nana.  he just adores her. 

 Ethan wanted to push momma.  Such a helper.
 What I find so interesting is typically Ethan does not want to be dirty.  But at the lake it is a total different story.  He is all boy there and will sped the entire day digging in the dirt, throwing rocks and anything else he can find to do. 
 Ethan love going for walks and he pretty much has his Papa trained in this area.  He makes Papa walk him to see the water and explore the area.  This particular walk he made Bubba (my brother) go as well.  Ethan loves his Bubba.  You would think they are brothers the way they fight with one another.  They love to tease one another, over everything!
 So peaceful when he naps.

 Of course September means the Fair is here too.  I was super excited to take Ethan this year as he would be able to do so much more.  He was very excited to go and once he arrived he loved it.  There was just so much to see.  We actually made 2 trips this year.  The first trip was with Mike's cousin and her little family.  Ethan and his cousin, Easton.  We are so happy these 2 have one another.  Mike and I both grew up close to our cousins so we want the same for Ethan.  They are finally getting to an age they want to play with one another. 

 Ethan loved playing games. He would get so excited when we stopped to play something. 
 Throwing rings at the bottles was by far his favorite game.  I think he just liked throwing something.  He would get so excited and wanted to stop every time he saw this game. 

 Family Picture
 A few nights later Ethan and I went with my parents while Mike was at work.  Ethan was happy to go back.  This time he was able to eat more of the food since it was dinner time.  He really enjoyed the chicken on a stick, lemonade, popcorn, and cotton candy. 
 He also enjoyed seeing all the farm animals. 

Hope everyone is having an amazing month.  We are very excited about the fall and all the holidays approaching.  We bought a pumpkin this week and everyday Ethan gets home he announces he has a pumpkin.  He continues to grow and learn everyday.  We are still obsesses with Buzz lightyear.  He is so independent but loves to help me with things, especially putting laundry in the washer/dryer.  Ethan's vocab continues to increase and he will talk your ear off.  I love getting him from school each day as he tells me all about his day, and if he got in any trouble, which is typically for running or not wanting to come back inside.  He has little friends, Brooklyn and Parker, that he talks about all the time too.  Hope everyone is doing well.  We love you all!