Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Ethan

Our Little man is officially 3.  Ethan celebrated his 3rd birthday on August 2.  We had fun celebrating through out the week.  On Thursday, his actual birthday, we started with a small party at school.  I took cupcakes, punch, and some dinosaur fun to his class.  We enjoyed celebrating with his little friends. 

 Ethan being silly.  He loved having all the attention on him. 
 That night Nana and Papa went to Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate.  Ethan loved this so much.  He was not a huge fan of Chuck-E but the rest he enjoyed.  We ate, played lots of games and had so much fun celebrating his birthday.  Only thing missing was his Dada who had to work. 

 He was a pro at the frog game.  He would get so excited.

 Oh the decisions of picking out our prices.  We ended up picking 2 cars and some cotton candy.
 Afterwards we went back to Nana & Papa's house to open presents and eat some cake. 
 Ethan completely understood presents this year and had lots of fun opening his gifts.  We would get distracted once we opened something we wanted to play with. 
 It was so sweet.  As we sang Happy Birthday, Ethan would sing along too.  He was so happy!
 The Big Birthday was on Sunday.  We celebrated with a Buzzlight year party at the Omniplex.  We had so much fun and are so grateful for everyone that came out to celebrate with us. 

 When Ethan arrived and saw his party he ran up to me and with so much love said "Mama Cupcakes, Thank you".  It was so sweet and special since he did this all on his own.  Ethan is showing how much he has grown and how appreciative he is. 

 Our own little space ranger!

 He likes OttoBot.  He gave him a high five and got a sticker from him.

 At the end we went to watch a Mad scientist show.  Ethan thought it was so fun and loved watching the explosions.  Mike was even called up on stage to participate!  Mike was so thrilled for that opportunity.

 It is so hard for me to believe that Ethan is now 3.  These past 3 years have been the most amazing of my life.  He has grown from this helpless little infant to this independent rough and tumble little boy.  He loves to play and keeps us busy all the time.  He can be so sweet and tell us for no reason that he loves us or we are his best friend. Ethan has become so independent and wants to do everything on his own or help us out.  Which makes the task so much longer but worth it to see him learn and try.  Ethan is definitely a mama's boy and want me to cuddle him or play with him.  I savor this as I know in a few more years it will be all about his dada.  Right now everything is about Toy story, any type of car, Nick Jr shows (Umi Zoomi), playing out side and driving his car.  He is not a great eater but on days he wants to eat he is asking for pizza or chicken.  The boy loves cookies and Popsicles too.  He talks so much and has really begun to have an imagination.  I am so blessed with his little boys.  Thanks for everyone who made Ethan's Birthday so special.  We are so blessed to have each of you in our lives.