Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 2012

Hard to believe it is already July.  I can't believe in 1 monthly my little man is going to be 3.  He is growing so fast and amazes me everyday.  They first few pictures are just of Ethan at his great grandpa's house playing in the back yard.  I captured a few pictures since he was having so much fun.  Grandpa has a huge tree in the backyard and Ethan took a few poses sitting there.  Sure it will only be a matter of time before he is climbing it. 

On July 3rd we had our annual Raprich Cookout and firework show.  This is probably the second biggest holiday for the Raprich bunch. It is always a lot of fun to cook out and see everyone.  This year we celebrated at my Uncle's house.  Ethan really enjoyed this since they have tons of kids toys too.  Ethan quickly found the jeep and wanted to stay on this the rest of the night.

 We shot off the parachutes before dark.  This is one of my favorite memories as a kids.  We loved chasing after those things and so do our kids.  Here is a picture of the new generations chasing after them.  They laughed and had so much fun trying to catch them.
 Ethan made a new friend, Izzy while there.  She drove him all over the place.
 Of course we had to make a stop for some sweets.
 Sparklers! He had fun slinging this around while I of course was a panic.  We managed to compromise with us both holding it.  Of course Ethan kept telling me "I have Momma" 
 Getting ready for fireworks.  Ethan sitting with his Dada.
 Momma and her boy!
 Enjoying our glow necklaces.  We had a slight issue with not having a blue one. 
 Spent some time sitting with Nana and Papa.
 Family Picture! These boys are my world.
 For July 4th we spent the day with the Parrish family.  Unfortunately Mike was not able to attend but Ethan had a blast. We spent the day swimming, cooking out and finished off with fireworks.
 Ethan with his cousin, Haleigh.  He absolutely adores her and she just lets him follow her all around.  She is an amazing big cousin and such a huge helper for me.  Ethan loved this float and called it his boat. 
 The two Es (Ethan and Easton).  They are just a year a part and in no time will be causing all kinds of trouble together.  While sitting in the "boat" they just began carrying on their own little conversation.  It was so sweet watching them together. 
 Had to stop for a Blue cookie. 
 My favorite kiddos watching fireworks.  Ethan loves these two girls so much. 
 My little man.
 By the end he was finished with fireworks so here he is playing on the IPhone.  Absolutely amazes me that these kids all know how to play on phones. 
Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.  We sure had a packed full 2 days of fun and family.