Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

With all the holiday events I have been a little behind on blogging, so I appologize now for the long post.  Christmas is one of my favorite holidays so we had lots of activities going on.  We started the traditions off with going to to see lights and taking our picture. 
 Since Ethan is getting older I thought that it would be fun to do an Advent type calendar.  each day he had a special Christmas activity and we read a bible verses.  There were times we got behind and had to play catch up. 

 Ethan working on his Ginger Bread house.  These never work out for us. 
 One of his biggest activities was going on a plane ride over Chickasha to see the lights.  This was an amazing experience for all of us.  Thanks Nana, Papa and Bubba for this fun trip.

We also celebrated Mike's 30th Birthday this month.
Ethan has his first Christmas Musical.  His class sang Jingle Bells.  This was so cute and Ethan loved singing his song.  Only problem was Ethan ended up moving to the back as he wanted to stand next to his little girl friend, Brooklyn and was bocked most of the song.  
Ethan and brooklynn
We spent Christmas Eve with the Parrish family.  We had a great night celebrating this special holiday with our family. 

Ethan playing with his remote control car.
Christmas Morning!  We stayed the night with my parents as this has come a family tradition.  It was so precious waking up Ethan.  He was very excited to see that Santa had come to visit. 

Ethan opening the gift he bought his nana.
Going out to see the snow.
The aftermath of Christmas.  Trying to sort through all the new toys.  
Trying out some of the new toys.  Ethan as Batman
Now Jake the Pirate.
Ethan and Santa
Family Tradition, PJs on Christmas Eve
We hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas.  We loved spending time with our family and friends.  It is a true blessing that Jesus Christ was born for us and the promises he has made to us.  One of the most exciting events was Ethan was able to attend his first communion the Sunday before Christmas.  Ethan was so sweet asking us to get a birthday cake for Christmas since he knew it was Jesus birthday.  We have been so blessed and hope to continue in our growth with God.  We Love you all.  

Friday, November 23, 2012

Holidays are Here!

Been a little while since I last posted.  Things are a little busy with all the holidays here.  For Halloween we had a 2 day celebration.  First night we were able to go to our church for the Fall Festival.  Ethan had a lot of fun with the games, Bible walk, and bounce house.  Ethan of course went as Buzz Lightyear.  Last year we could not get a costume on him and this year we could not get it off!  Funny how much 1 year can make. 
 Playing Games

 His Favorite part was the bounce house.  He would have stayed her all day if we allowed.
 Mouth full of Kit Kat!
 Papa, Ethan, and Nana
 Every year I make a basket of goodies instead of candy so he had toys to play instead of a ton of candy he does not need.
 On Halloween we went trick or treating with his little cousin, Easton.  They had a lot of fun.  The boys thought they needed to ride to every house in the wagon. 
 Uncle Jessie letting them get ALL the candy they wanted. 

 Since the girls were not there, they came by later to get a quick picture.  
 Ethan loves the outdoors and with the new time change, we are struggling to find the time since it is already dark when we get home at night.  One of the down sides of a working mommy.  Ethan enjoyed some time outside one Saturday afternoon, early in November. 

 The weekend before Thanksgiving we always put up the trees.  Ethan has been talking about a Blue Christmas tree for weeks.  Nana went to buy him his own tree which Ethan decided to put in the living room.  He had lots of fun decorating this in all Toy Story and Cars!

 Ethan with his tree.  (Please forgive the no pants.  Ever since getting potty training he does not want to wear pants at home so he can easily go to the bathroom on his own.)
 Later that night he helped with the family tree. 

Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving. We are truly blessed with loving family and friends.  We are looking forward to all the upcoming festivities for Christmas.  Love you all, Parrish Family

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Fun

October has been a busy month so far and we have not even reached the holiday fun.  At the beginning of the month Ethan's second cousin Kennedi came up from Texas.  We were able to go to Great-Grandpa's house to play.  Kennedi is a year older and they had a ton of fun together.  Wish she lived closer so we can have more play dates. 
 My Cute Little Man

 Time to start preparing for Fall so we went to a Church Pumpkin Patch. Ethan was so excited about going.  He kept telling us he wanted a little "pupkin" like him.  Little did I know how little he meant.

 This was the compromise as he wanted even smaller pumpkins then these.  So in the end we got one tiny pumpkin, a little one, and a big one. 

 Papa had been wanting to go to the 45th Infantry Museum for a long time now so one Sunday we went.  Ethan managed to hang in there but it was not as much fun as he had hoped. 

 Ethan and his Papa.  Ethan had got to get a small tank like this one.
 Big News in the Parrish home... Someone is Potty Trained!!!  On Oct 13th a light bulb in that little boys head just went off.  We asked him to use the potty and from that day on it has worked.  I am so impressed with how well he has done.  Very few accidents since he started using the potty.  On his first full day at school with no accidents we asked what he wanted for his reward and he told us "Blue Ice cream" so that is what we did.  As you can see, he has lots of stickers on his shirt from all his successful potty trips that day!
 On Oct 23rd we had family day at Orr family Farm.  Ethan had a lot of fun exploring the farm.
 Petting Farm.
 Ethan's favorite part was the large sand box.  I should have known this since he loves the sandbox at home.

 Once again Ethan wants to pick out the littlest pumpkin he can find!
 With his "little pupkin"
Hope everyone is enjoying their fall.