Saturday, July 16, 2011

4th of July

Better late then never. For 4th of July we had a very busy weekend. We started off Saturday at the lake with the entire Parrish family and my parents. We just went to Thunderbird for the day. Ethan absolutely loves the lake and had a lot of fun playing with everyone. At first he never wants to get into the water but once he is in he has a blast. Nana took him out at first since he does anything with her. Next Ethan played on his own Sea Do. This little float was real neat. Ethan likes to run into people. By the end he was wanting to jump off of it.

We stopped lots to get re hydrated and of course have snacks.

Big part of all the fun is throwing rocks and sand back into the water. Ethan can do this activity all day.

Ethan and I took a quick boat ride. Ethan was mad at first because he wanted to drive. Once we got moving he loved it. By the end he was falling asleep. I am not sure what it is but every time Ethan gets on a boat he falls asleep.

Ethan is such a big boy now. I am amazed when I watch him on days like this.
On Sunday we spent the day out at the Farm (Grandparent's land). Ethan had a few playmates on this day.

Mommy and Ethan!

Happy Independence Day America!

Ethan loves fishy so we always have to look at ponds to say hi.

Ethan and Lillie were having a lot of fun talking to one another this way.

While the adults played volleyball, Ethan drove his 4 wheeler and played with toys. He was not happy right here because he wanted to play volleyball too.

On Monday the 4th we had a cook out at Papaw's house.

After the cookout the Parrish Family and my family went to 4th St to watch fireworks and enjoy the festival. Ethan enjoyed playing on the play ground and walked through the booths with Nana and me. Later he shared a funnel cake.

Ethan with his cousin Haleigh. Ethan was amazed with the necklace.

My camera died before the end of the night but Ethan loved the fireworks. He kept reaching up like he could touch them. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. We are sure having lots of fun but trying to stay cool with this heat.