Ethan did end up on the floor the first time but he has not gone to the floor again.
Ethan fell asleep one morning back on the chair and he was so peaceful I had to take a quick picture.
Nana and Papa bought Ethan a little splash pool for their house. Here is bubba and Ethan playing in the water.
More play time with Dada
Ethan does not really want to play in the pool but more around the pool.
Ethan finally had his first hair cut. Didn't think we would get this till he was 5 but we actually needed it now. We went to Snip It and that place was so great. We had quit a long wait so Ethan played in the waiting area.
As you can see his hair is very blonde. It was just not even so we wanted to get it all trimmed up and clean looking.
Giving a high five to the hair cut man.
So Ethan was fine the entire wait but as soon as he went in the chair a switch went off. Ethan cried and screamed the entire hair cut. The girl was amazing working on Ethan.

Later that night we spent some time playing at Nana and Papa's house. Ethan with his favorite person, Nana.