Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just a few snap shots of Ethan from this past weekend. We were going to go to Mike's parents for a birthday celebration and took a few pictures of Ethan. Here is Ethan in his OU gear and wearing his dada's hat.
Ethan's baby cousin Easton was over at his Papaw and Mamaw's house this weekend for the family celebration. It was so cute because all the big kids were surrounding Easton so Ethan wanted to join them. Ethan kept saying "baby" and would point and "pet" him. Ethan is very curious of his little cousin and is ready for him to start playing with him.

The next generation.

Show Week at Little Gym

On Saturday Jan. 15th Ethan had his last class for the fall semester at Little Gym. It was a special day for famlily to come and participate with the little "Birds". Ethan had both of his grandpas (Papaw and Papa), unfortunately Nana was sick and Mamaw could not come to this event. Ethan loved having his grandpas there and showing off all he has learned this past semester. This is something me and Ethan do every Saturday. I have loved watching Ethan grow and develop in this class and he has made great little friends. When Ethan began this class last summer he was only crawling and now he has so many skills. I do contribute these "skills" to Ethan's love to climb and adventure but it has also taught him great things like getting down from things as well. We are already signed up for the spring session so we can continue to have our special time together every Saturday. Since it was "show week" the "Birds" entered on the Red carpet. Ethan loves to be the first child in the door. He normally wil run over as soon as Mr. Chad "Alright my little birds". As usual he was lined up and ready to go.
Class always starts by getting the bells out and singing the intro song. Ethan just likes to put the bells back in the basket while everyone else sings.

During class the "birds" have exploration time and will learn 3 skills. Ethan absolutely loves exploration time. Here are some pictures below of Ethan and the activities he likes to do. Ethan is no always cooperative with the skills. Some he likes others he does not. Ethan has definetley learned his independence and expresses his desires very well.
These bars are one of Ethan's favorites. He likes to walk with them and also shake them.

Taking a quick break!
Mr. Chad helping Ethan with a forward roll.

The Skill of the Week was body surfing on the mats. While trying to set up the activity Ethan decided he would "assist" by knocking the mats down.

Ethan body surfing, finish with a forward roll.

Last activity is Ball Time. This is great because Ethan ask for the balls the entire session. Ethan immediately will run and find balls to play with. He will throw, kick, bounce, and carry them around with such excitment.
Ethan picking a ball to play with.

Ethan thinks he needs 2.
At the end Ethan received his "diploma" for this session. I am truely amazed how much he has grown and learned over the past several months. I am truely blessed to have this opportunity with Ethan and will treasure every moment we have. He continues to grow and learn so much. My baby is definetely a big boy now.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tonight while playing Ethan wanted to get his puzzles out. Typically Ethan has not real interest in his puzzles but he was very focused on them tonight. He has a "transportation" puzzle and we worked on it tonight. I was so proud. After showing Ethan to match the pieces he was able to match all 8 pieces by his self. He did this 3 times and then just wanted to carry the pieces with him. I am so proud. I took a few pictures to capture the moment.
Hard at work!

I kept asking Ethan to say Cheese and smile. This is all I could get. I did get him to say cheese.
Hope everyone has a great week!