Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas with Goforth Family

Christmas with the Goforth Family. The bottom picture is Ethan and his second cousin Kennedi. We went to see them the night before Christmas Eve. They came in town from Texas. Kennedi is just over a year older than Ethan. We had bought her a tea set for Christmas and she was very sweet with sharing with everyone. We hate that we don't get to see them often. We saw the rest of the family on Christmas day. Well everyone that could make it in the snow at least. Ethan had lots of fun. It was great seeing the family from Texas.

Christmas 2009

Our first Christmas as a family. This year was amazing to have with our little man. With the blizzard that came in on Christmas Eve our plans changed dramatically but all that mattered was our time together. Originally we were suppose to spend Christmas Eve with the Parrish family. Unfortunately the storm was to bad so we missed Christmas with them. We are terribly sad about missing everyone but we had to keep Ethan safe. When the storm began to get very bad we packed up everything we could and headed to my parents house. We spent Christmas Eve there doing puzzles and playing games. We stayed the night and woke up at there house for Christmas day. We spent the day there and then went to see the Goforth family. The rest of the day was spent home together as a family. We are to go see the Raprich family on New Years Day. Though the storm changed a lot of our plans I was so blessed this Christmas. I couldn't be more happy than having Ethan and my loving family.